posted ago by LightBringerFlex ago by LightBringerFlex +15 / -0

The top of the Deep State are the Biblical demons which were once led by Lucifer and other top agents of Lucifer but all that group was quarantined after Jesus died. Low level demons continued to exist to give them a chance to repent and some actually do repent.

In ancient times, way before Atlantis, the Archon demons invaded Earth and joined some others who became demons when Lucifer rebelled in prehistoric times.

These demons treat us like a chicken coup to harvest our Life Energy. Life Energy is God's energy that allows us to move around and be. The closer one's mind becomes to God's mind, the more Life Energy they get. Demons are by far the furthest from God's mind so they don't get any Life Energy at all. If one was to get a lot of Life Energy, they would never be sick or unhappy. They would always be wise. There are almost no limits to how much Life Energy one gets. God is the limit basically. If one were to get that much Life Energy, they would have an equal amount of God's power and knowledge which is beyond human comprehension.

So the demon has to eat Life Energy off the human to feed itself which like stealing. How does the demon do this?

  1. Work out a way to exchange information for work. The Rothschilds, for example, cause worldwide suffering for the demons in exchange for knowledge that expands their money and power.

  2. Worldwide suffering weakens the Human aura which allows the demon to open and enter through a micro black hole.

  3. The demon feeds and tried to cause more suffering to the mind. Miseralbe people are like a buffet for the demons.

How to counter the demons.

Think as God or Jesus would think to align yourself with God. This will draw more Life Energy to you to make you happier and more in Zen mode. This strengthens your aura which blocks the demon from being able to infiltrate it.

Also, the demons promote EGO everywhere on media because Ego leads to misery. This is why it's best to shut off all media so you don't get brainwashed. Just understand we are all parts of Life which is God and although things may not seems like it, we are all God's equal children.