One of the main reasons they released AI is so they can blame actual video evidence of Deep State crimes on AI. For example, I hear there is a video of Hillary doing bad things that they keep scrubbing but it keeps reappearing. If that video ever goes viral, they can just claim it's a fake AI creation. In truth, AI is not perfect. It makes mistakes so these mistakes can always be found just how we find mistakes in their false flags.
Of course, the deep state has shills, even on this very board, to argue against you and call you an idiot for thinking a real video is real. You have to be able to spot them when you see them. They usually defend the deep state and dismiss evidence against them as fake.
I don't care what you say, Thundercats are real, and Biden is completely mentally competent, and that video of Donald banging a rhinoceros while eating a baby is real, and Epstein hung himself. I believe everything I see on TV. Oooh, Rachel Madcow is gorgeous.