posted ago by Primate98 ago by Primate98 +32 / -1

Marvel's "Winter Soldier" is Bucky Barnes, and we are told that he first appeared under that very cool (haha) name in May 2005. That was long, long after the original coining of the name for an event in 1971 called the Winter Soldier Investigation. The not-very-cool-at-all subject? American war crimes and atrocities in Vietnam, told first-person.

Surprisingly, there is indeed a writeup on the nexus between the two names:

Learn the History of the Term “Winter Soldier” and Why Ed Brubaker Used the Name in Captain America (The Mary Sue 3/21/2014)

The author is just a normie comic fanboy but, as you'll read, he was tipped off by podcaster Jesse Thorn, whose own father was a member of Vietnam Veterans Against the War, the sponsors of the WSI. (I used to listen to Jesse Thorn's Bullseye until a decade ago, when the progressivism that spilled over into the pop culture show became unbearable.)

The article comes off innocently enough and even includes an explanation of the name by the author of the comic himself, Ed Brubaker (who we will come back to). Believe it if you like, but his explanation is retcon bullshit.

The phrase "winter soldier" is a reversal of Thomas Paine's famous quote about the "summer soldier", and is meant to describe a true patriot, one who accepts as his duty the overthrow of tyranny. Well, Barnes is a traitor to America and a soldier for the quite tyrannical USSR. Not an apt name, is it? Then he has a whole paragraph of non-sequiturs about Vietnam, Russia and the American Revolution. Nice try.

I call it a googlewash because if you're searching for "winter soldier" and aren't already aware the WSI existed, you'll have a much harder time stumbling across either it or this:

Winter Soldier: Iraq & Afghanistan

Yes, I too didn't know that existed until I was searching all around for this writeup. See how good googlewashing works? You'll also likely never find this documentary made about the original WSI either:


Though the event was attended by press and television news crews, almost nothing was reported to the American public. Yet, this unprecedented forum marked a turning point in the anti-war movement. It was a pivotal moment in the lives of young vets from around the country who participated, including the young John Kerry.

Memory-holed then, googlewashed now. Did you catch the last bit? That's our first twist.

Yes, Deep State Elitist scumbag John Kerry participated! You might be thinking that the whole thing was limited hangout with Kerry a leader of it, but I don't think so in this case:

We could come back to this country; we could be quiet; we could hold our silence; we could not tell what went on in Vietnam, but we feel because of what threatens this country, the fact that the crimes threaten it, not reds, and not redcoats but the crimes which we are committing that threaten it, that we have to speak out.

Some plain truth there and--as we're seeing--all slated to be erased from history. Not consistent with an op, is it? And I say that even given the next twist.

Mark Lane was one of the organizers. He's very prominent as a JFK researcher and (IMHO) a primary disinfo agent on the issue. Big red flag, right? Well, after the assassination, Lane sent the Warren Omission a 10,000 word brief saying that (drum roll)... Oswald was innocent. Was any disinfo agent going to be stirring up the waters that soon and in that way? IMHO, no.

Which brings up my view on the great majority of the Elite scumsuckers, Uniparty dirtbags, squadrons of disinfo rats, etc: they are made, not born. Well, "They" like to use Their own relatives to be sure, but those agents are shaped over a long process of seduction and grooming. Those assets start out fighting the good fight, and "They" make sure that's what those assets believe all the way along, see?

Final twist, this one concerning the comics author, Ed Brubaker:

Brubaker, the child of a Navy intelligence officer, spent much of his childhood in Guantánamo Bay....

To paraphrase Dr. Evil, typical childhood, the details of which are quite inconsequential, eh?

But that's not all: it is not listed under his "Notable works", but Brubaker was on the writing staff of Westworld. It's much, much too long to get into, but I have posted about that show numerous times. It is, IMHO, far and away the show where the Those That Really Run This World and Know What Has Really Happened have tipped Their hand the most and in an unmistakable way.

Is Ed himself one of those people? I sincerely doubt it. I've always suspected that They just have a conduit to screenwriters and the like, passing messages like "show this visual" or "have somebody say these words". That would be Ed, in the case of Westworld.