posted ago by ZyklonShower ago by ZyklonShower +24 / -5

this site going to end up like Reddit where you have to have a certain amount of karma to post, but there are no communities which allow new users to post so there’s no way for new users to get the karma to post.

This is because communities on here have been inundated with posts by Israeli accounts which post pornography and doxxes knowing that the moderators of the communities will introduce a karma threshold to prevent users posting if they’re not trustworthy.

Once all communities introduce those karma thresholds in response to JIDF shills, there are no communities to get the karma to enable a new user to post so new users are essentially banned.

This is what the Jews intend to all forums like this. It happened on Reddit where new accounts are restricted to karma farming on catsstandingup because they can’t even post on homeworkhelp or ancestry subreddits without 3k karma, and this is what the Jews are trying to achieve here by filling communities with spam posts so that the whole website ends up like Reddit with no way for new accounts to post. This shuts down discussion.

The Jews are sneaky.