posted ago by ZyklonShower ago by ZyklonShower +4 / -4

I'm convinced Shakespeare was a Jew which is why he’s so heavily forced on school kids rather than far superior contemporaries like Webster.

Schools force this shit on you. Shakespeare was boring and shit while Webster was awesome and created great characters that had sometimes conflicting character traits. Shakespeare plays had characters with about as much dimension as a Lifetime/Reel One Entertainment movie.

However, shakespeare plays advocate Jewish anti white positions which is why schools force him. Oy vey this nasty white soldier doesn’t like being shoved aside for some nepotistic rich kid to replace him because the black guy prefers the brat. This is clearly evil and psychopathic. Oy vey this man doesn’t want to have to pay so,e Jewish money lender an extortionate amount of interest. This is very bad. Has a Jew not ears? Does a Jew not bleed when you cut us? Why are you persecuting the Jews? Clearly a woman dressed as a man must save the day goyim! Oy vey!