Please provide your personal view on an ideal future set over the next 20-25 years.
If you could 'reasonably' have a future of your liking without ignoring the past which cannot be changed, and keeping in mind that you are god and cannot change things are will either. What would your ideal future look like?
Feel free to go further too, but first flesh out that 20-25 years.
This doesn't have to be too practical either, and as long as it is technically possible, feel free to include those ideas, but I am interested in hearing all your various views on an ideal future.
Preferably go into detail on any systems that change from today
To start off discussion. I would envision a world which works towards the establishment of new cities that can avoid many of the design decisions of the past. I think a new infrastructure economy is the key to success in the future.
Building the cities of tomorrow is the theme I would like to see. That means literally building them....not converting and gentrifying the existing ones.....leave the heritage and culture and let both exist.
The new cities should be forward thinking and incorporate our future abilities as well as our current ones. We will have far more capabilities to grow and harness biology in the future. We should be focusing on establishing cities with the merger of biological tech (not tracking btw) as in the ability to look into biodegradable facilities, full-life-cycle farming, medicine grown in house, circuits we can farm...etc.
By Establishing a strong infrastructure economy we can push through and establish new large innovations. We would need to focus on financing such capital through new instruments that are different from the exist debt
Deeds and entitlements will need to be secured for individuals at all levels of the economic spectrum
By focusing on new developments you avoid upsetting those who would not like to partake in the future....which is fine....and for those who desire it, you need to get them buy in and get them ownership
Cars are not to be part of the future design (they should not be integrated into the cities....) We need rail, high speed, and 'corridors' of transportation and commerce. The main highways should be replaced with smaller ones and real infrastructure should be incorporated.
Additionally, independent vehicles should get dispersed such that there are not more vehicles in an area than people except on major corridors.
While ownership of cars is still valid, they should not be relied on as means of daily travel, instead the world should be made more around communities which enjoy their own way if doing things and have means to get between sources without crazy taxes or centralized control.
We need a district hub based system with national and international protocols for interchange.