This is what I said here
So if you get cancer 3 years down the line how will there be a linkage between taking the vaccine? Will they ever do a cohort observational study like they did with smoking and lung cancer to detect the correlation? Who knows what the mRNA encodes for? They say it encodes for the COV SARS 2 spike protein. How do we know that? This is a software. And it is not open source. It is like Whatsapp. The mRNA code is an IP and not available for scrutiny. How do cancers develop? Do conditions (genetic, environmental conditions or random mutations) turn off tumor suppressor genes or turn on oncogenes?
And here what gets published today:
SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination and the Multi-Hit Hypothesis of Oncogenesis
After all who knows who I really am and what I may know?
Thank you. You guys also put a lot of important stuff out. I just wish we could reverse the order of this forum and get early January 6 and covid posts or at least save them in some sort of a playlist/log/something?