All I know is I’m still coughing, 3 of 4 in my house have been sick and everyone I know can name multiple people in their lives that have recently been sick. More so than I can ever remember. Southern New Jersey here. I missed 2 days of work 12 days ago and I still have a nagging little smokers cough. I never fucking get sick but it was the days after our Christmas party where I’m shaking the hands of people I don’t even like.
All I know is I’m still coughing, 3 of 4 in my house have been sick and everyone I know can name multiple people in their lives that have recently been sick. More so than I can ever remember. Southern New Jersey here. I missed 2 days of work 12 days ago and I still have a nagging little smokers cough. I never fucking get sick but it was the days after our Christmas party where I’m shaking the hands of people I don’t even like.
wow same thing with my family