posted ago by ZyklonShower ago by ZyklonShower +4 / -4

I used to make fake Twink accounts on gay hookup apps and then send the fags to nigger or Muslim areas.

But now when I went on to do it there were literally no guys. All the gay apps are just tranny women that think they’re guys. It’s still funny sending them to Muslim areas in the promise of a hookup but it’s just funny how the sexuality decay has gone so far that fags don’t even have their own space to be fags without random mentally ill women. It’s like the lesbian who was reported to the police in Britain for rejecting a tranny (a man who thought he was a woman) at a gay pride because rejecting him was transphobic hate.

The fags have literally eaten themselves alive with the ever devolving sexuality that they now have to accept a person of the opposite sex (albeit a very mentally ill member of the opposite sex) or be hateful.

It’s also sickening that there’s so many trannies. Literally 58 trannies in my area.

Thinking that I might have to change it a bit though. The trannies on Grindr aren’t as horny as the actual men are and being women (albeit women who think they’re men) they’re also much more suspicious so when I invite them to an area filled with Muslims they get nervous. The men just thought about having a fuck and discarded any apprehension about heading to an area filled with Halal shops. But the trannies are more nervous. Maybe it’s better to try something else with them such as chatting them up, and acting like I don’t realize they’re trans and then when they let me know they’re trans I should suddenly reject them because I’m on there for dick not women. That might hurt them more.