a) GRAY aka spectrum in-between pure light (white) and absence of light (black) aka mixture of white with black.
b) white (inception) to gray (life) to black (death); hence GRAY - "to wither, dry out" aka living form drying out within flowing process of dying.
c) AREA aka arere aka arid "to become dry" aka a space cleared by burning aka a burned offering.
PFI (physios; nature) - ZER (apart, asunder)...a sleight of hand for nature (whole) setting itself apart (partials). Ignoring this by consenting to a suggested injection (jab) tempts partials together, hence permitting another to inject into one aka a coming together of parasite and host through vector (vaccine).
Before any tale of a soothsayer...nature took apart the one suggesting it from the one consenting to it.
One wields the free will of choice in-between fable (suggested) or that which enables (perceivable). Only oneself is able (need) to resist fable (want).
Nature apart is interesting for sure.
a) Yet many are more interested in pfi-zer, which permits few to raise interest rates.
b) being "a part" within whole nature implies as solid (life) within fluid (inception towards death)...not internal (inter) resting.
Sleight of hand: no rest for the WICKED, adjective "to depart, to fall away".
a) GRAY aka spectrum in-between pure light (white) and absence of light (black) aka mixture of white with black.
b) white (inception) to gray (life) to black (death); hence GRAY - "to wither, dry out" aka living form drying out within flowing process of dying.
c) AREA aka arere aka arid "to become dry" aka a space cleared by burning aka a burned offering.
PFI (physios; nature) - ZER (apart, asunder)...a sleight of hand for nature (whole) setting itself apart (partials). Ignoring this by consenting to a suggested injection (jab) tempts partials together, hence permitting another to inject into one aka a coming together of parasite and host through vector (vaccine).
Nature apart is interesting for sure. We can't say they didn't tell us, huh?
Before any tale of a soothsayer...nature took apart the one suggesting it from the one consenting to it.
One wields the free will of choice in-between fable (suggested) or that which enables (perceivable). Only oneself is able (need) to resist fable (want).
a) Yet many are more interested in pfi-zer, which permits few to raise interest rates.
b) being "a part" within whole nature implies as solid (life) within fluid (inception towards death)...not internal (inter) resting.
Sleight of hand: no rest for the WICKED, adjective "to depart, to fall away".
c) as for sure...being implies IN (life) SURE (inception towards death). Now look up the opposite of sure and compare that to being alive... https://www.wordhippo.com/what-is/the-opposite-of/sure.html