4 Are artificial wombs the future to 'save' lives (odysee.com) posted 1 year ago by Thisisnotanexit 1 year ago by Thisisnotanexit +4 / -0 Are Artificial Wombs the Future [to "Save" Lives]? | The Economist (Mirrored) The Economist, Are artificial wombs the future?, 19 October 2023: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBSSb462_Z4 6 comments share 6 comments share save hide report block hide replies
That was a shitty repulsive movie and the concept is absurd anyway since nature has taken millions of years to evolve a good working method.
I haven't seen the movie from the clip, I see it referenced a lot.
The sequel to Bladerunner was cold and harsh and just nasty. I hated what they did.
Sounds brutal. So the original is a good watch then?
The original is a classic and done well. But make sure you see the older version with the original music soundtrack, they altered things for later releases, not as good.
Always altering.. I appreciate your insight