posted ago by defenderOfMontrocity ago by defenderOfMontrocity +13 / -1

People who believe in prosperity gospel focus on money. Israel has lots of money to give to influencers like Daily wire, Shapiro, Steven Crowder and Jordan Peterson. So prosperity gospel supporters claim look how much GDP per capita Israel now has. Israel is blessed and awesome.

Meanwhile Malcolm x supporters as well as libertarians are very skeptical of prosperity gospel. Maybe prosperity gospel was a federal reserve psyops to distract from gold in the vault or lack thereof.

Eric Weinstein claims Epstein's first job was to blackmail as many as American politicians he could so Israel can keep them as c*cks. So it doesn't matter if your politician is some alpha male maga 2nd amendment people, or some peace wing nerdy communist Bernie supporters. Israel has them by their...

However Epstein and Ghislaine apparently had another job. That is to steal patents.

If Eric Weinstein is right about Israel stealing patents... Then if we go deeper into the theory then, let me think for a moment.

What about the stolen nukes? Nowadays Sean Hannity and Rupert Murdoch are saying Iran already stole a nuke. Okay but what about Israel? Israel stole nukes from Pennsylvania many decades ago.

What about spywares? Israel made financial forensic softwares like chiliad and FBI awarded Christine Maxwell in 2004. Chiliad and many other Israeli softwares had backdoors. Now we know from pegasus that Israel gonna make a trillion dollar industry out of pegasus and other spywares.

What about other tech like Intel chips desied in Israel? Well Intel chips are bit complicated to discuss, but don't forget about the backdoors.

What about other innovation?

mRNA? Many mRNA related techs are invented using American taxpayers money. But then you have to give Israeli corporate powers a bit of money for mRNA just because Israel has the highest mRNA vaccination rate?

Many other innovations are also sketchy. Almost the whole part of iron dome was developed using American taxpayers money. But then you gotta pay Israel because Israel as well as uncle Sam pretends that iron dome is Israeli made.

Genie Incorporated? If Russia can't sell gas to Germany then Israel can. Genie Incorporated is named Genie because Israel is not only gonna steal gas from occupied golan height. Israel is also gonna steal hydrocarbon from Syria and will pretend that a genie or God blessed them so they received more money than they were supposed to.

Now Nord stream blown up, allegedly by secretary Blinken. Now Blinken is rumored to be a friend of Ghislaine and Robert Maxwellhill. Wtf

Why does it always benefit Israel? Why can't it once not benefit Israel?

Israel is an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object. You stand before Israel's next scheme, like stolen gas or stolen nukes or spywares/blackmailing industry, you get killed.

If Israel demands that they have to sacrifice babies in palm beach Florida to blackmail Marco Rubio or Desantis, and you stand in front of their blackmail industry you get killed or get framed.

Is it all a coincidence? It could be, maybe I am watcing too much Corbettreport.