posted ago by ZyklonShower ago by ZyklonShower +2 / -0

It used to be impossible to sue a school in Britain for discipline unless it was actual expulsion because detention was solely at the discretion of the teachers and suspensions were solely at the discretion of the principal with no recourse to appeal for the student. The education act still states that students are not allowed to appeal school discipline save as to expulsion.

However in 2021 a girl successfully sued her school for disability discrimination after she was suspended (not expelled) for throwing chairs in the classroom and making animal noises.

The girl was of course a nigger.

Remember goyim, laws protecting people from being punished for their actions aren’t there to protect good law abiding people. They’re there to protect people who need to weaponize the threat of litigation against people in order to be tolerated in society.

Normal people don’t need laws saying it’s discrimination to punish them for things like throwing chairs at the teacher. That’s because they aren’t going to do those acts. Discrimination laws reward bad people for bad actions by forcing normal people to associate with them for fear of litigation. The same is true of anti bullying laws. They force your kid to be friends with the furry that shits in a litter box because otherwise your kid is a bully.