posted ago by newfunturistic ago by newfunturistic +2 / -2

Watched the trailer for this Maestro. "COMING SOON. Releases December 20, 2023". Director, Writer, Star, Bradley Cooper.

Then I wonder, what was the real guy like.. cause in that trailer.. seems like one scene at an opera theater while they're in one of those side rich people's boxes.. he was with his wife, but holding hands with some other dude.

Like when was this guy doing his stuff. Born in 1918, so add 20.. 1938, minus 2.. 1936 graduates high school. What was going on then.. just before WW2. And he's a Jew.. but he's in NY.

I look up.. Leonard Bernstein biography. See this PBS recorded documentary.. 2 hours.

Starts where somebody's talking about, stuff going on outside the Dakota apartments. Sounds like his son talking about what was going on after he died. So, scene outside these Dakota apartments.. ambulance, some bystanders. Like when was this.. 1990.

Let's keep watching. No CC or right side transcript on vid. Downloaded it then ran through video to text. It starts with..

"It's very rare that someone dies and the whole community seems to be part of that event, as if everything else stopped. And for that moment, the world turned around that event. The day of my father's funeral, we left from the Dakota 72nd Street, and there was already a whole bunch of people across the street sort of behind the police fences. There was this phalanx of motorcycle cops and police cars leading this enormous cortege out to Brooklyn's Greenwood Cemetery."

ok so wasn't when he died. But.. when I saw this it was this place where John Lennon gets shot like a decade before. And where Polanski filmed rosemary's baby in 68. I don't know.. like Yoko and Sean still live in this building, I think. She's really old though now. But he's still there.. was in the instagram following, I think.. let me check. No, I kicked out 500+ blue checkmarks seasons ago.

does sean lennon still live in the dakota.. I think yoko still lives there

Searching for: sean lennon dakota

Generating answers for you…

Hi, this is Bing. I’m glad you’re interested in Sean Lennon and his family. According to my web search results, Sean Lennon and Yoko Ono used to live in the Dakota, a famous apartment building in New York City, next to their neighbor and friend Roberta Flack1. However, Sean Lennon moved out of the Dakota in 2015, and sold his apartment in 20182. Yoko Ono still lives in the Dakota, in the same apartment where John Lennon was shot and killed in 198034. I hope this answers your question. 😊

I don't know.. gonna watch that Bernstein doc. lol. I think quite a few still live in this building. Let me check. That's 59th and 5th ave. Not far from there you got that top of the 6's restaurant.. the 666, 5th ave.

"Top of the Sixes was an iconic restaurant on the 41st floor of 666 Fifth Avenue New York. It opened in 1958 and by July 1973 had served its 10 millionth dinner. It was a magnet for visitors to New York and became a 'special occasion' destination."

But this is more about the Dakota.. That's on the west side.. like about a quarter of the ways by the middle of the park but right across the street from it, so it's still upper class.

Lots of text here in the research.. continued in parts in comments.