posted ago by newfunturistic ago by newfunturistic +7 / -1

When I was lookin up this Akhenaten guy.. thought I saw something the other day about how maybe he was Tutankhamun's dad. But Akhenaten's wife was Nefertiti, and they only had 6 daughters. But I was asking Bing AI..

oh wait.. was Akhenaten, tutankhamun's dad? no cause he had 6 daughters, right?

Searching for: Akhenaten Tutankhamun relationship

Generating answers for you…

Actually, Akhenaten is widely accepted as the father of Tutankhamun, even though he had six daughters with Nefertiti. The reason is that DNA analysis has confirmed that Tutankhamun’s parents were brother and sister, and the only known royal siblings at that time were Akhenaten and his sister, whose name is unknown12. Tutankhamun was probably born to one of Akhenaten’s secondary wives or concubines, who may have been his sister or another relative12. Tutankhamun’s original name was Tutankhaten, meaning “Living image of Aten”, but he changed it to Tutankhamun, meaning “Living image of Amun”, when he restored the old religion that Akhenaten had abandoned12.

So this is getting super fucked up here.. how these freemason guys keep talkin about Isis, who her brother Osiris gets chopped up by Set.. then she uses occult to get his pieces back together and reaimated. But can't find his dick cause he threw it in the Nile and a fish ate it. So she made him a golden dick. Then she fuckin gets knocked up by her damn brother and they had a kid, Horus.

"Horus was the son of Isis and Osiris. He was conceived after Isis resurrected Osiris, who had been killed and dismembered by his brother Set. Isis protected Horus from Set’s attacks and raised him to become the rightful king of Egypt. Horus was often depicted as a falcon or a man with a falcon head, wearing a double crown to symbolize his rule over Upper and Lower Egypt. He was also associated with the sky, the sun, and the pharaohs1"

What they don't like you tell you is that not only she fucked her brother but gets knocked up.

Now I find out golden boy there.. same shit with this schmuck. Meanwhile, fucking devil worshipping freemasons are all into these chumps. Fuck man.. WTF as this keeps going along, eh?