posted ago by JesusTaughtLove ago by JesusTaughtLove +7 / -4

This is it, the END. There's nothing more to study, to micro analyze and debate. The demonic elite will kill most people in a giant war coupled with the vaccines, but they will also be removed. Most people only know of the Revelations (which are Kabbalistic and esoteric and talk about a process within us, not the end of the world, except for the genuine prophecies of Daniel and Jesus himself) but there have been hundreds of seers, monks, clairvoyants and sages over the centuries who also saw what was coming because they transmuted their sacred sexual energy upwards and activated certain centers in the brain and other chakra vortex points in the spine. Here are 200 or so of these prophecies:

On this channel is everything one needs to know not just about what was going on, where we are going, what is coming, but far more valuable knowledge about the true nature of reality, who we are, where we are and what we can become. As it stands it has 4675 uploads, some of them packages with thousands of files. It has 1.3 million views with about 5k a week.

I've learned over the years that because of vibrational and consciousness levels and octaves, if someone is not ready for something they will just dismiss it - hell I was there myself. I would've laughed off manifestation just about 3 years ago and I was very much awake to many things. You would think in the so called Truth community it would be different but it's not, the NPC sleepwalkers are asleep 99.9%, but most people in the Truth community are asleep between 70-99.9%. So they're laughing at the sleepwalkers but they're not much behind, nor are they doing anything really.

But you can consciously reawaken and activate much more of yourself through Brahmacharya, fasting, meditation, good deeds and truly asking God for guidance. I know this 100% as factual as anything else, tested and repeatable. Grab 900+ survival PDFs for free here:

At this point this is a sort of a weird suicide. Because it's not like it's the 17th century and someone has to get on a horse and ride to the next city and exchange another horse and ride again to reach another land to give the king the message to make the proclamation or something. All this time people are sitting at home with access to the internet and basically just have to watch some videos with very credible people: doctors, CEOs, former high-level employees, people's testimonies in the thousands and so on. It's all right there, staring them in the face. These people are no longer just misguided humans from 50 years ago who are just low conscious or uninterested, they are practically zombies. When you put it all together: aluminum, mercury, fluoride, lack of proper nutrition and deep sleep, even fresh air and oxygen for the brain, EMF radiation, 50-70 vaccines, aspartame and artificial sugars and flavors, heavy mind spell saturation over years and seeding the subconscious mind with lies, dead food with little to no Prana left within, abusing their sexual (shakti energy), demonic possession, stupidity even on the left brain level, chemtrails, social and peer pressure, money restrictions and so on - these people are unreachable. I don't think we were supposed to save everyone like in some movie although even a total turnaround was possible before because we are all manifesting our reality ahead of ourselves. But now the clock is striking midnight and that's it. So advice like using cash and so on, yeah that should have been adopted 30 years ago. And so it's fine, this is in-built into the general karma of Humanity at this time. There's no stopping the train of this many effects pouring out from the previous causes. It has to play out.

I wish you all the best, and I would say you would not do wrong to even just right now strike out on your own, completely, if necessary even just leave with basic equipment in the middle of nowhere. In just a few years people will be sorry they didn't do that actually, no matter how hard it would be. But with retention of the sexual energy and basic yogic practices you can be incredibly healthy and well built with little food. I would say that the final crossroads for awakening was 2021, those that have not been awakened are gone, unless karma and their Atma is guiding them somewhere for later. The time for discussions is over. May the Lord smile upon you!
