posted ago by newfunturistic ago by newfunturistic +6 / -5

Go see that 20 points post about the Talmud, they're like a bunch of law books they train Rabbis with. They don't like us ok. You think people are racist against Jews.. well those guys hate us way more, ok. lol.

ok so what's going on with this Paul guy. When you're born Jewish, you can't just "quit" ok and change religions. lol. So.. we got into Judas being possessed to be the bad guy. Then this St Paul with his upside-down cross shit, that's letting you know he's bad too. Him being questioned by the cops 3 times, goes. no I don't know this Jesus dude. Then pretends to be his buddy. Later gets the damn church going. Could do who knows what by then. Change shit.. could be part of how they're all secretly Luciferian and all this fucked up shit is going on.

Let me remind you of those couple things here about this christian operation ok.. it's super fucked up with twisted mother fuckers. You had those opus dei guys who do nasty shit to themselves like whip themselves in the back. That dude in da vinci code had this leg strap that made it bleed. Like these sadomasochists are super fucked up, ok. Meanwhile they're supposed to be religious fanatics.

Then the 8000 sex abuse cases of priests. The 800 kids bodies in the back of Jesuit residential schools, ok. Don't forget about Noah, where everybody else dies.. except his family. Then they all inbreed. lol. That sounds like Adam and Eve, eh.. well what's next.. more fuckin inbreeding. Like WTF.. yahweh's fucked in the head, man.

So these guys are fucked right up. Now, where were we.. St Peter, upside-down cross guy who got the church going. He's buried under this ultra cathedral that took at least 40 years to build in the vatican. He's their hero cause he's really the infiltrated bad guy.

Now you got this Paul guy who's pretty much a Talmud rabbi. Then he goes.. naw.. imma switch to this Jesus dude cult. lol. WTF. Probably more bad guys infiltrating the Jesus operation, ok.

Meanwhile.. Jesus was a jew, wasn't he? How come he quit the way he was raised and said.. imma start my own cult. Like WTF with all these guys, man.

Anyways.. here's me talking to Bing AI about what's the deal with this Paul dude. It was pretty quick.. 1 thing and ya had some red flags.

paul in the bible.. who's this guy.. what did he do? Any issues with him like Judas. Or you had St Peter who was questioned 3 times and was like, no I don't know the jesus guy. What's going on with Paul.

Searching for: Paul in the Bible

Generating answers for you…

Paul was a very important figure in the early history of Christianity. He was originally a Jewish leader who persecuted the followers of Jesus, but he had a dramatic conversion experience on the road to Damascus, where he saw a vision of the risen Jesus and heard him speak to him. After this, Paul became a devoted follower of Jesus and a missionary to the Gentiles, the non-Jewish people. He traveled around the Roman Empire, preaching the gospel and founding churches. He also wrote many letters to the churches he established, which are part of the New Testament12

Paul was not one of the original twelve apostles of Jesus, but he claimed to be an apostle by the will of God and the grace of Jesus. He had some conflicts with other apostles, such as Peter and James, over the issue of whether Gentile converts had to follow the Jewish law, such as circumcision and dietary rules. Paul argued that faith in Jesus was enough for salvation, and that the law was no longer binding for those who were in Christ. He also had some disagreements with some of the churches he founded, such as the Corinthians and the Galatians, over matters of doctrine and morality. He tried to correct their errors and encourage them to remain faithful to the gospel34

Paul was not a traitor like Judas, who betrayed Jesus to the Jewish authorities. Nor was he a denier like Peter, who denied knowing Jesus three times before the crucifixion. Paul was a faithful witness to Jesus, even though he suffered many hardships and dangers for his sake. He was eventually arrested by the Romans and executed in Rome, probably by beheading, around the year 64 or 65 AD. He is regarded as a saint and a martyr by most Christian traditions24

So what did we have going on here..

"but he had a dramatic conversion experience on the road to Damascus, where he saw a vision of the risen Jesus and heard him speak to him."

What is with all these guys in the bible who have "visions". I don't know about you, but not too much of that going on these days, unless you're on damn ayahuasca. Maybe yahweh was stepping in more.

What do we got here with paul.. yeah.. some jewish guy who likes gentiles.. fuck that. Read the 20 points post about the Talmud. They hate fucking gentiles, ok. No way this Paul guy is switching it up and saying.. naw.. imma go hang out with them. No.. he infiltrated the operation too, didn't he.

"Paul was not one of the original twelve apostles of Jesus". Why's that? Cause they know it ain't gonna be workin out cause Paul would get shit by his folk for hangin out with Gentiles. Meanwhile in all this.. Jesus was a jew, right? What the hell's going on there. He's trying to start his own cult, I guess.

Wait.. what's this. "He had some conflicts with other apostles, such as Peter and James, over the issue of whether Gentile converts had to follow the Jewish law". What's an "apostle".. like a "dude"? Oh I think it's guys who were in the cult. Yeah so this Paul was a "gentile convert". Fuck that.. you be Jewish and try that, and lemme know how it works out for ya. Especially if your dad was one of those Talmud Rabbis. lol. So.. somebody's coming after somebody over this shit, eh. And somebody's pissed off and wants to do some infiltrating to shut down this shit, eh?

"and dietary rules". Yeah we went over that one the other day. That's like you hanging out with those foreign chinamen who eat fuckin who knows what scrambling around on the ground. lol. Or how about those guys from india that don't eat cows. You go eat like bacon or something and try to go hang out with Jewish guys ok.. they ain't gonna like ya very much. lol.

"Paul argued that faith in Jesus was enough for salvation, and that the law was no longer binding for those who were in Christ." Oh I love these guys who break the law. Lemme know how that works out for ya, if you try that these days in 2023. lol.

"He also had some disagreements with some of the churches he founded, such as the Corinthians and the Galatians, over matters of doctrine and morality" oh yeah, like what.. disagreement over the 800 kids bodies buried in the back yard and the 8000 sex abuse settlements where they're supposed to be good guys but they're doing fuckin crazy shit with molesting kids. Like WTF.. you'd think just fagging your priest buddy up the ass would be good enough but no they gotta do the devil shit with damn kids, ok. Fuck all these chumps.

"He tried to correct their errors and encourage them to remain faithful to the gospel34" oh lemme know how that works out for ya.. going.. come on you guys stop molesting kids and burying them in the back yard. You know, like that post the other day about Benjamin Franklin in his basement.

"Paul was not a traitor like Judas, who betrayed Jesus to the Jewish authorities. Nor was he a denier like Peter, who denied knowing Jesus three times before the crucifixion. Paul was a faithful witness to Jesus, even though he suffered many hardships and dangers for his sake. He was eventually arrested by the Romans and executed in Rome, probably by beheading, around the year 64 or 65 AD. "

Lol.. now we got a guy getting beheaded. Quite the "motley crue" these guys.. lol.. you want a hollywood movie damn.. upside-down crosses.. guys getting fuckin hung.. lotsa kids getting sacrificed for ars goetia rituals.. hmm.. I don't know man.. this shit just keeps getting more and more fucked up as it goes along, eh.