Exactly this.
You still hear of shoplifters being arrested and then fined in Europe and Australia but in America staff are fired if they confront a shoplifter and they are literally required to leave DeShawn shoplifting because it’s racial discrimination to stop him.
a few months ago, a couple Sikhs beat the fuck out of a seasoning-American who was filling a trash can with stuff he intended to shoplift. there's great vid on /pol/.
but guess who got in trouble.
the biggest single reason we keep seeing vids and webm's of blacks flashmobbing department stores and chimping out in retail stores, gas stations, restaurants, public transportation, ad infinitum, is because "law enforcement" and the "legal system" will come down on any decent American Citizen who defends themselves, their property, or standards of behavior.
cops/zogbots are the biggest single reason for the nigger behavior the U.S. has been dealing with since BLMsummer. cops are also the biggest single reason our southern border is still being invaded by illegals. a couple dozen American Citizens with hunting rifles could slow the invasion to a trickle almost overnight if the parasites with the character of traitors in "law enforcement" would get their sorry asses the fuck out of the way and let patriotic Americans defend their country.
from what i can tell, the police in Canada and euro countries are the biggest single reason black/brown immigrants are getting away with their anti-social, destructive behavior as well.