Jews dominated America by changing the Bible (Scoffield Bible) for some and for the rest leading them away from God and the Bible entirely. Most Jewish owned media wants you to reject Christ in case you haven't noticed.
So you're literally throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Godless societies are inherently degenerate and idol worshiping.
Your mind has been captured for 2000 years.
Wake up from this Jesuz Jewish psyop for fucks's time !
Jews dominated America by changing the Bible (Scoffield Bible) for some and for the rest leading them away from God and the Bible entirely. Most Jewish owned media wants you to reject Christ in case you haven't noticed.
So you're literally throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Godless societies are inherently degenerate and idol worshiping.
I do not believe in jewish myths.
I have my own Aryan Gods that protect me.
I see, you worship your own flesh.