Since launching in 2020, we’ve supported a variety of progressive campaigns, from union solidarity and fighting abortion bans to holding social media companies accountable for their role in spreading disinformation. Our leaders have been on the forefront of digital organizing, raising over $2m+ for abortion funds around the country and discussing the future of democracy with President Obama. Through our 2022 electoral work, we launched effective creator activations that generated a total of over 26 million+ views and supported many crucial campaigns with various celebrities and lawmakers.
We helped raise money to murder babies! And we brag about being Spammers!
As politicians stood idly by after the fall of Roe v. Wade, our team sprung into action and launched our SAFER initiative to help safeguard reproductive care. SAFER (Spam, Assist, Fund, Educate, Register) is an acronym for the efforts we spearheaded to make abortion safer in America. First, we created a tool that automatically generated accurate reviews for Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPCs), clinics that disguise themselves as abortion providers only to attempt to coerce women to not terminate their pregnancies. Then, we took to social media by using our collective platforms to raise awareness about these deceptive clinics, which included writing a press release with Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney (D-N.Y.) as well as coordinating with Yelp’s policy lead. As a direct result of these actions, Yelp added a disclaimer to all CPCs, stating that they provide limited medical services and may not have licensed medical professionals.
Furthermore, we shared ways that community members could assist those seeking abortions by volunteering in a range of initiatives. Finally, we created a joint abortion fund that distributed all donations evenly among 50 local abortion clinics throughout the United States. Olivia Julianna, a Gen-Z for Change member, turned a Twitter feud with Matt Gaetz into a fundraising opportunity, driving over two million dollars to the fund. We used our platform to educate people about the importance of reproductive rights, generating millions of views. Finally, we encouraged people to register to vote for politicians who would protect reproductive rights across the country.
Behind all this demonic shit in the USA is Jews and Jew money.
Homepage of the Soros funded organization that pushes jew marxist policy via activism and paying for KikeBots
We helped raise money to murder babies! And we brag about being Spammers!
Behind all this demonic shit in the USA is Jews and Jew money.