Flat earth is one of two things: retarded pseudo intellectual moronic skeptics who would believe the lost their penis if their stomach got too big to see it, and the feds who managed to convince room temperature iq inbreds into believing it as a bonus when job their real job was just to make everyone in their targeted groups look like unhinged retards to normal people due to guilt by association so the only answer is to ban them or they will discredit anything that is actually valid like artificial diamond scarcity and scare off normies who might learn something and it gives ammo to journalists to mock us and ruin the optics. Go be retarded somewhere else.
Flat earth is one of two things: retarded pseudo intellectual moronic skeptics who would believe the lost their penis if their stomach got too big to see it, and the feds who managed to convince room temperature iq inbreds into believing it as a bonus when job their real job was just to make everyone in their targeted groups look like unhinged retards to normal people due to guilt by association so the only answer is to ban them or they will discredit anything that is actually valid like artificial diamond scarcity and scare off normies who might learn something and it gives ammo to journalists to mock us and ruin the optics. Go be retarded somewhere else.