ran across this vitamin a toxicity idea originating from dr garrett smith.
basically the claim is too much vitamin a can become toxic as the liver can't absorb diets with high amounts, and it slowly builds up an leads to other problems, interfering w/ liver function, fat storage/regulation, inflammation, autoimmune disease, etc.
many popular "healthy" diets often incorporate high amounts of vitamin a, from meat based paleo ketosis type diets, to 'ancestral' diets with high amounts of offal, to plant-based 'eat the rainbow' type diets high in nightshades.
bill gates was investing in gmo rice and bananas that specifically added vitamin a, claiming that the third world is going blind because they don't have enough vitamin a (and we know his intent is to poison and control the world).
ALL THINGS IN MODERATION...and so goes it for VIT A ... it DOES bio-accumulate and, thus, WILL cause liver problems...if "overdone" and/or over used. Folks who don't do their "research" are just asking for problems...and Big Pharma would LOVE to control EVERYTHING...including the propoganda about the benefits of supplementation.