I have been paying more attention to fashion. For example, I think we all know that luxury purses are vastly over priced. Depending on the purse it can go from $10,000 to $120,000 or probably more. They usually use low quality leather and the crafting isn't anything special except on certain details that alert experts to authenticity.
The same with the clothing. They are usually man-made materials, which surprised me.
I think the rich people we see, millionaires, maybe even new billionaires, are no longer getting the good quality stuff. In the past, presumably the aristocracy would buy things that would last for decades. And maybe the Quiet Elite are buying real fabrics and actual quality luxury items.
I think the visible wealthy are just as brainwashed (maybe more) as the plebs.
Yeah, money has little to do with real happiness. I think of myself as one of the happiest people I know. I make just under 6 figures and have no interest in making more.
I think our happiness is largely predicated on biology. Some people are just going to be miserable no matter what. I count myself extremely fortunate to have won the happiness lottery.
That's not to say that things like poverty and other life circumstances can't make a biologically happy person unhappy. The lens they use to view their current circumstances will probably lean toward the optimistic or providence, however. I have always seen the glass half full, and I think that has had a major impact on my state of happiness. I think recognizing what you have and feeling gratitude for it is another huge part of happiness.
Yeah, ethnic groups with higher neuroticism are more driven to work, make changes, rather than enjoy life and be satified with the status quo.
Yes, that makes sense and I agree! I lived on the riverfront with a guy who had come you through and old British boarding school. I was young, naive and he was my first boyfriend/fiance so I thought his setup was normal. But he was the most boring, superficial person. He couldn't have any deep conversations. And living with him in the penthouse was like being in a mental prison. Super dark period of my life and I was filled with the joy of freedom when I left.
Anyway, I think you are inadvertently agreeing with my theory. The visible elite live like we do, have similiar issues with family and life challenges. Maybe spend more on flex items that aren't worth it. My theory is that the true elite live as more of a break away society. They might wear nice organic wool, cotton and linen clothing. They might have a completely different supply chain for their all organic and special food. This elite would be the hidden elite that we don't know about.
Kind of like the old money versus new money having different priorities and circles.
Thank you for reminding us that health is more important than wealth and that searching for truth is more fulfilling than chasing money. So true!