from my understanding of it eclipses are meant to be a forboding warning of great disasters that are yet to come ; if this is true and theres a 7 year gap between the first one and the last one and the middle one that completes the A then its something all of us should be worried about im talking being worried about China ;
seems everything going on with trans being pushed out aggresively, homosexuality is running rampant, all time corruption right now going on and the list keeps on so I think God's patience will run out in 24 specially around April just in time for Easter
from my understanding of it eclipses are meant to be a forboding warning of great disasters that are yet to come ; if this is true and theres a 7 year gap between the first one and the last one and the middle one that completes the A then its something all of us should be worried about im talking being worried about China ; seems everything going on with trans being pushed out aggresively, homosexuality is running rampant, all time corruption right now going on and the list keeps on so I think God's patience will run out in 24 specially around April just in time for Easter