The first pedophile Ballard catches in the movie (288th of his career) is named Oshinsky...
This character and the actor who played him are not mentioned in the cast credits on any web site I checked. His last name only is mentioned in movie reviews on Epoch Times and PluggedIn. Even Rottentomatoes, which usually lists all actors doesn't list him. No mention of him in Variety Mag, Jezebel, or Common Sense Media (which cautions people from donating to Ballard's O. U. R. because it has ties to "conspiracy theorists").
Movie trailers have only quick side shots of the character... if any. yet this character is pivotal to the movie plot.
I can find the actors and character names for all the brown and 1 white pedophile in the movie.
maybe related: The movie was delayed by Hollywood types for 5 years after it was completed.
I'm sure there were behind the scene deals that finally allowed this movie into theaters - wondering if masking the Oshinsky character was part of that deal.
why else hide the Jew?
I want to go see the movie again just to see if he is in the closing credits. Let me know if you find him any where else on teh interwebs.
jew shills commenting here can just go fuck off. Like the so-called critics of the film with their pro-pedophilia slants. fuck. the. hell. off.
Edit: no Oshinsky in the California Sexual registry data base...
listed only as "Ernst"
yet in the movie, Ballard refers to him as Mr Oshinsky.
furthering my point.