My favorite part is that "Da greens" are nowhere to be seen on this one. Shouldn't they be like "work from home, burn less fossil fuels, eat locally...", nope, they, as usual, decide to stay silent on anything that will harm the interest of their handlers.
And, most importantly, move to a suburb of the coastal city where this real estate is located so you can live paycheck-to-paycheck even if you make six figures!
It's not the fake vaccines Jew poison giving you blood clots! It's from working remotely! -The sHill
The sHill is a pathetic rag. Most of their fake journalists are teen age iHop employees. Might as well just have AI write the fake news stories.
My favorite part is that "Da greens" are nowhere to be seen on this one. Shouldn't they be like "work from home, burn less fossil fuels, eat locally...", nope, they, as usual, decide to stay silent on anything that will harm the interest of their handlers.
advertisement paid for by the collapsing commercial real estate industry.
don't worry though, your company doesn't want to buy back any of the office space they sold off already.
And, most importantly, move to a suburb of the coastal city where this real estate is located so you can live paycheck-to-paycheck even if you make six figures!