Christ god, that is so sadly ignorant. When you take a college course in quantum mechanics get back to me, but right now you're at below high school level. You should up your game and learn better things.
"Gravity is a hoax" (facepalm) (dropping a Monty Python 5 ton weight on your foot. It won't hurt because it's a hoax.)
Laser light is a batch of particle waves, particles made of wave packets running in the electromagnetic fields. They are energy manifesting in space as self-contained waves regions that travel as tiny tiny packet blobs. Imagine little jello blobs but the jello is energy in space, oscillating / quivering. That's a photon.
Christ god, that is so sadly ignorant. When you take a college course in quantum mechanics get back to me, but right now you're at below high school level. You should up your game and learn better things.
"Gravity is a hoax" (facepalm) (dropping a Monty Python 5 ton weight on your foot. It won't hurt because it's a hoax.)
Laser light is a batch of particle waves, particles made of wave packets running in the electromagnetic fields. They are energy manifesting in space as self-contained waves regions that travel as tiny tiny packet blobs. Imagine little jello blobs but the jello is energy in space, oscillating / quivering. That's a photon.