posted ago by Michalusmichalus ago by Michalusmichalus +5 / -1

Spelling is magick. The words themselves have meaning. We've been told this in some form or another for a very long time.

[Bible verses on words] (

[words have power quotes] (,10%20%2337%20Samuel%20Butler.%20...%20More%20items...%20)

“Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. We can choose to use this force constructively with words of encouragement, or destructively using words of despair. Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble.”

~Yehuda Berg“%20Words%20are%20singularly%20the%20most%20powerful%20force,hurt%2C%20to%20harm%2C%20to%20humiliate%20and%20to%20humble.”

In simple terms, all languages have two key parts: words and grammar. Words seem straightforward enough – all you need is a dictionary, and you can start to have a basic conversation. But grammar takes more time to learn, as different languages can have very different strategies.

They begin there because these are the aspects of language that are hardest to understand: how do we use these grammatical rules so effortlessly if we don’t know how they work!

My favorite quote about words:

Words have power. Words control thoughts, thoughts control feelings, by allowing your words to be censored you are literally allowing yourself to be controlled. ~unknown

We don't know how the words we use to communicate work. We do know that linguistics is constantly evolving. Who do we want to be in charge of our evolving linguistics? I certainly don't want our words to be chosen for us, by people with an agenda.