Search and rescue operation is still under way to find the $250,000 per person Titanic tourist submersible. It has been missing for nearly two days in the Atlantic Ocean with five people aboard who are believed to have around 40 hours of oxygen left.
I've seen theories floated about such as a rapid implosion or that power went out and they are trapped at the bottom of the ocean. Others have suggested that it is a grift, distraction or sabotage to disappear someone. So far there has been no sign of the sub.
I find strange that a submersible designed to dive so deep would be controlled by a PlayStation controller and have all of the vital internal components hidden - also that there was no tether attached to it or sonar just in case such an event occurred. I'm no Sub expert so I could be way off.
Curious to know others thoughts on the matter.
Jesus, I thought the post title was a typo or something. The sub is named the "Titan"? Really? Really?These fuckers are bold. "Futility", anyone?
I knew the thing was a total psyop from the first second I heard about it. I had no idea they were being quite so obvious. The really stunning thing is that I'm the only person on r/conspiracy saying that, and the shills are all over me for it. It's yet another sad commentary on the state of conspiracy theory Redditors.
It'll be interesting to see if (disinfo agent) Miles Mathis has a write-up on this. His paper was where I first saw the original sinking exposed as a hoax. (Which it was, although he diverted away from the deeper truths exposed by it.)
The Daily Mail and CNN stories were full of holes and red flags, and I'm sure it just gets worse from there. And if it wasn't clear from context, the purpose of the psyop about this dumb tourist sub is just to convince you the sinking a century ago was real. That idea is unconsciously reinforced from the jump when you accept anything at all about this latest gag.
What are the deeper truths? I've heard about them killing off people that opposed the federal reserve and that it was insurance fraud, what else you got for me?
There's one I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on because the research was really new at the time and I'd personally never heard about it: the Titanic was left over from the Tartarians. Tall claim, but it's based around a very simple examination of photos and welding technology that was unavailable of the time. A treasure trove here:
Our civilization did not build Titanic, Olympic or Britannic. Theirs did. Was it the Tartarian one? (6/25/2018)
The other was right in his wheelhouse: a fake historical person as shown in fake photos. In this case it's John Jacob Astor IV, and it puts a knife in the heart of the Titanic/Federal Reserve conspiracy. That was another diversion anyway because all those three supposedly against it never opposed the Fed, as shown by their public statements.
Anyway, we go into that theory assuming JJA4 was just some extremely rich dude. You can start to get an idea that the family was "in the club" from this article about his ancestor:
John Jacob Astor: Freemason, Intel Operative and Made Man (2/7/2023)
By the time we get to JJA4, one of the richest men in the world, well... just google up pics of him. Only about six different ones, all obviously phony. For Chissakes, two of the faces are copies of each other, and in the Titanic one he looks like a cardboard cutout. You can compare to pics of his contemporary, JP Morgan. There's a jillion legit pics of his ugly mug.
So to what extent did this high-profile historical figure exist? I mean, even "Joe Biden" has made a better showing of himself than JJA4.
Interesting stuff, I'll have to go through those links. Thanks for the info.