Electric universe theorists often get criticism when connecting pole shift event with mythology.
CIA website has chan Thomas Adam and eve story 1963. This book has another version in 1994 You may also want to watch UFO syndrome 1980.
In short chan Thomas mainly focused on cyclic catastrophe. The earth had a different north pole every few thousand years. According to chan Thomas the astronomical north pole shifted from Wisconsin to Caspian sea then mecca, then now in the Arctic.
Note that a planet tilting by 30 degree or more is not pseudoscience. NASA claims that Mars have pole shift event every 100 thousand to 200 thousand years. Europa probably also has pole shift events frequently.
Nasa yet to admit that Uranus has pole shift or crustal displacement, but some Nasa scientists are speculating about it.
Egyptian creation story says Thoth helped goddess of the sky to bear children by playing checkers with the moon. This created the lunar cycle. Then 5 days were added into the 360 day calendar.
So these things are connected, or at least that's what electric universe ⚡ theorists believe.
This is also connected to piezoelctric moon theory. Moon rings like chapel bell. Moon also has transient light phenomenon. Coincidence? Maybe moon's resonance creates red light phenomenon. This gives the far side of the moon protections against asteroids, these asteroids are 10 megaton nuke but only creates shallow craters thanks to moon's seismic waves
There is a reason chan Thomas mentioned Mohenjo-Daro and easter island megaliths in the same sentence. This is because Chan Thomas worked for DARPA when it started. He knows more than he tells us.
One of the old equators of the earth was Giza-Nazca/machu picchu- easter-Mohenjo Daro. North pole was yakutat glacier, near Haarp.
One megalithic site would transmit energy to another through the earth's core, and would generate a bit of energy in that process. Megalithic sites were used to transform longitudinal wave to transverse waves.
This is why chan Thomas speculated that advanced aerial vehicles are using planet's power.
And that's just the pyramid power planet/Nikola Tesla theories. There are other esoteric theories such as gyroscopic angels. Biblical angels are gyroscopic so some gnostic christians believe in interdimensional aliens.
Doug Vogt strongly rejects the Chan spam. Watch his latest for details