posted ago by BladesLastBottle ago by BladesLastBottle +22 / -1

SO here's the deal boys, I don't think this has ever been fully explained. I will tackle this conspiracy right here right now. Feel free to take this info and run with it. Knowledge kneels to no one

Everyone who has every looked into this subject has come across numerous videos all throwing around such ideas like "cloning facilities" "cloned celebrities" blah blah "i was clone in a lab" ect.

NEVER do they actually go into the science of this. WHY? Because its all horse shit. How do I know? because i know the science behind this, And i will teach you it so you will have the knowledge to tell what's real or not. If someone has a radical story and the science doesn't match what you learn it'll be easy to fact check them just like it would be to fact check me.

Nothing is hidden, this is done in plain sight. There is only one way and one way only to clone a Human. (well kinda, more on that later) This is a very easy yet limited process that can take 3-9 months depending on the desired use.

The first thing we need are two donors. Doner A (Bob the person being cloned) and Doner B (Jane or Any child baring female)

Any fertility clinic in the world is equipped to do this, its actually very easy and is done all over the world everyday. To do this we need to take a SOMATIC cell from Bob (any cell that is not a blood cell) and remove the nucleus with a micro pipet, Then we need to take an EGG cell from Jane and do the same, remove the nucleus.

Now we take the nuclus from bob and implant it in janes egg cell. A little switcharoo. All we did was take the nuclus from bobs cell (which has all his current genetic info) and insert it in a egg. This mimics fertilization.

its now an egg with all the chromanones and genetic info it needs. Now this is the important part. Right now its just a glob of protein in a pitree dish, but once you add some small form of stimulation. electric or chemical. something magical happens. The egg "wakes up" starts producing Stem cells (just like the moment of conception) which would be a genetic match to bob.

This is how the rich get stem cell treatments without issues like cancer or rejection. They cant reject because they are your own cells basically.

The technical term for this procedure is a Somatic Cellular Nuclei Transfer

After a week, the egg becomes a blastocyst (the stage before a fetus forms) and they need to either harvest the stems cells cus after 11 days (i think) its going start growing from a bundle of cells to a fetus just like a fertilized egg would. They essential are the same thing. Only difference is a natural fertilized egg has genetic info from both parents. Bobs egg only has his genetic info. Meaning its basically a clone of him.

Well not yet. Lets say we wanted to actually clone Bob, what would we do? well we would use invitro fertilization and implant the cells into janes uterus (or bribe/coherence/force another woman) and get her to carry bobs egg to term. she would then give birth to a clone of Bob.

Thats all. no underground labs, no hidden facilities. All you need a fertility clinic, a woman and 9 months. Grow it right in the open.

Ok now i will take sometime and talk about some random facts and general thoughts.

-they discovered this in the 50s but the earliest we could have done this was probably the 80s. I personally think the early 2000s right after Dolly, reasoning is human eggs are very small compared to other animals and there was a series of scandals in the field of stem cells at this time in different areas, people were pushing boundaries.

-Stemcells and cloning are basically the same thing, just one more step. in some cases underground stem cell facilities have actually went the whole way and got a woman to carry it to term just to harvest the stem cells in the placenta and umbilical cord blood. they just toss the dead clone in the trash. no joke. happens in china and Russia all the time during the 2000s. All those "aborted" babies they periodically find are probably from this.

-this is how they clone pets, this is also how they cloned dolly.

  • the reason why I say this is the only way is because (up until recently) we couldn't do this in the lab. meaning you couldn't grow a person in a lab or test tube. they didn't have any scientific way to mimic the the umbilical cord and constant blood transfer between a mother and a fetus.

-They might be able to mimic this now. "Biobags" have advanced to the point were they might not need a woman. But up until recently this how people were cloned.

-there is no way to speed this process up, you cant grow a clone to be the same age as the person. its more of a restart. full grown clones walking out of labs is horse shit. you gotta grow em naturally. its simple you cant speed up cellular division.

-since clone is somewhat limited, has it actually been done? YES

-some of the reasons would be the continuation of a bloodline. its not the exact same as cloning yourself to live forever, but it could be close. you would essential be raising yourself.

-another reason would be human trafficking, that fucking werido John of god (Clintons spirt doctor) had a people farm, i could see these two conspiracies coming together to form some real dark shit.

-another reason is less dark. Iv seen (unverified) claims that parents have done this. say they're child dies as a toddler by accident. hit buy a car, bad fall. the family clones the child, and goes thur the whole pregnancy again. basically a redo. the child would never even know

-are there clones walking among us? Probably, I think so but its hard to tell how many. they would most likely be no older then 30 years old. none of them would know that they were clones because they would have been birthed naturally and would not be the same age as there cloned opposite.

-think a son that looks the exact same as his father when comparing them at the same age. thats what you would see.

-what does the future hold? no natural birth and clones grown in biobags? Starting to look that way and probably.

If you guys like this shit i might drop a post about Adrenochrome. I think i got that figured out also. Might even be related now that i think about it