posted ago by ZyklonShower ago by ZyklonShower +15 / -5

Under the Aryan race South Africa was, along the Rhodesia, the breadbasket of Africa. It is now a joke where subhuman niggers rape and plunder and the electricity goes out every night lol.

Well now the niggers want to ban water from being accessed by White people. Some will say that Whits should move to Orania but in order to access Orania you have to wealthy devout Protestant. If you’re not wealthy, or not a Dutch Protestant you can’t get in. Plus Orania if the niggers decided to commit open genocide rather than slow genocide would be just a reservation easy for the niggers to bomb from the air.

Morocco is now the wealthiest counter in Africa after white South Africa, Rhodesia and Gaddafi were toppled by (((western backed elites))) which gives you an idea how bad niggers are at running anything.