Back in 2005 nobody fucking knew what the hell the Ukraine even was but in that movie before the alien invasion they first target the Ukraine (still called the Ukraine rather than just Ukraine back then which is ironically based).
The Ukraine is in total darkness with the invasion before the aliens even land in America lol.
As a Redditor would say it’s almost as if it’s predicting the project blue beam invasion which is likely to come.
Of course everyone involved in the movie was a Jew lol.
A region now named Ukraine (means outskirts) was a Pale of Settlement region for Jews in Russian Empire. A lot of jews that float on the surface of Western establisment have ancestors that lived in that region.
Also that Khazarian thing. Jews can't forget about defeat of Khasarian Kaganate by Russian army millenia ago, and seem to think about what named Ukraine as a shadow of their Khazaria that does not exist anymore. Remeber that Israel state that disappeared nearly 2000 years ago? They finally got it back. Kind of. As something absolutely unsustainable and unviable without foreing support by means of milking Western population. Pretty shure they dream about restoring Khazaria too, but they have a huge problem. Only part of Khazarian kaganate was on the territory that become Ukraine after USSR falll. Tiny eastern part. Most of Kaganate was north of that thing between Black and Caspian Seas where Caucasus mountains reside. Khazaria capital Itil was somewhere near modern town of Astrakhan in the Volga river delta.
So there is nothing strange that Hollywood Jews put references to Ukraine here and there. IDK, may be you did not noticed that in Hollywood production since name "Ukraine" was something completely irrelevant for most of Westerners few years ago, but it is pretty noticeable thing.
Mixed tribe memories of misery Pale of Settlement and arrogance of Khazarian Kaganate make Ukraine kind of strange but important thing for Jews. They hate it a lot, but at the same time they want it. And can't resist to mention it at any possible occasion.
That explains the Jewish obsession with the Ukraine.