Something I been thinking about.. it's no secret they use popular media to tell us what they're doing - and in a video game "The Division 2" that came out in 2016... the plot is about a "viral pandemic" that starts on black friday called dollar flu that's a smallpox-based virus spread through cash
What a better way to get people to stop using physical currency? We seen how people fell for the first pandemic - they would be out in their chin diapers burning their life savings on the lawn like a pile of leaves....and store employees would look at you like you had tuberculosis if you dared to pay with it.
Something I been thinking about.. it's no secret they use popular media to tell us what they're doing - and in a video game "The Division 2" that came out in 2016... the plot is about a "viral pandemic" that starts on black friday called dollar flu that's a smallpox-based virus spread through cash
What a better way to get people to stop using physical currency? We seen how people fell for the first pandemic - they would be out in their chin diapers burning their life savings on the lawn like a pile of leaves....and store employees would look at you like you had tuberculosis if you dared to pay with it.