If the societal controllers knew there is some periodic natural event which wipes out most of civilization such as micronova, pole shift, EMP, etc., are their current actions in-line with preparing for this event, almost in a semi-benevolent manner:
♦ Depopulation, reduction in birthrates. Fewer people to have to shepherd through the dark times. From various areas including LGBTQIAMAPNECBESETC.
♦ Higher costs of living, higher house costs, a few generations ago people would have 6+ kids because houses, cars, food, college prices were relatively not as expensive as they are today.
♦ Educate people to change diets, including bugs etc. since during some of these events, other food sources might be more scarce.
♦ Immigration - move people away from areas with less food etc.
If this was the case, would it make any sense that the societal controllers would actually be doing anything in a benevolent manner.
**On the flipside, would the pole shift reset type narratives be in-line with general desire for depopulation. Could this just be another spell they are trying to cast at a subliminal and underlying level. **
Is this an image of the spell they are trying to cast/project: https://youtu.be/6n_xCI-peq0?t=373
God works through us, so we are the ones who will save us. No one is coming to save us but ourselves.
I disagree. God has save the world with the flood and then at Babylon. Then he saved smaller areas like at Sodom and Gomorrah. Those are just a few of the documented stories. None of that was any mans doing.
I agree but if your just gonna wait for the rapture then you dont give a shit about whats going on. Theres plenty of people just standing around twiddling their thumbs.