That’s why we’re supposed to obsessively support the Ukraine and why they use their fake historical genocides (700000000 billion Ukrainians were starved, goyimchenko, Oy veychenko it’s another hunger!) and why the Ukrainian propaganda is so absurd similar to Jewish propaganda. Because they’re Jews lol.
Oy veychenko, Braviy Soldierchenko was shot at by multiple russian snipers but the bullets collided in mid air sparing himchenko because the wind realized hrs a hero of Ukraine and decided to savechenko him!
This under Stalin, no?
I'd accept there are many khazars in Ukraine making things worse for everybody. But why are the nato governments so supportive? Biden isn't a he? Trudeau? King Charlie? Macron? Steinmeier? Duda?
Dude it's 700000000 billion BILLION