This won’t get better until God swoops in or the biggest militia ever righteously and justifiably arrests the proven traitors. Waiting on you all to grow some testes... You better do it for the children or God will hold you accountable for being the negligent and cowardly Samaritan. Talk to your local police and educate them on the official data of the elections. It’s right in the numbers. They are just hiding the fact that the proof exists of the theft of the country. Our own treasonous military is helping invade us and that’s barely the beginning. Invite all active military to join us.
This won’t get better until God swoops in or the biggest militia ever righteously and justifiably arrests the proven traitors. Waiting on you all to grow some testes... You better do it for the children or God will hold you accountable for being the negligent and cowardly Samaritan. Talk to your local police and educate them on the official data of the elections. It’s right in the numbers. They are just hiding the fact that the proof exists of the theft of the country. Our own treasonous military is helping invade us and that’s barely the beginning. Invite all active military to join us.