The world is just electromagnetism which your senses translate into an image which is then broadcasted in your vision. For example, light enters the eye with a code it took when it bounced off some formations of electromagnetism. That image is then broadcasted in your mind so you are seeing everything in your mind.
Somehow, the commies altered the way those signals are received to create a hellish experience for the average human using the Saturn rings as the frequency blaster. It then bounces off our moon, which has computers in it to further drive the signal, to Earth. If I'm not mistaken, the obelisks are the antennaes that pick it up and spread it throughout society.
The good news is that every 26,000 years, the sun shoots flares that knock out all electrical devices and so when those devices go down, reality is again restored and the People are free. The Commies expect this to happen between 2023 and 2026. There are already flares happening now. I even heard Elon Musk wanted to create a device to block the flares but I don't think anyone can. When they say "nothing can stop what's coming", I believe they are referring to this "event".
This event also has other elements do it. It is very possible that the Biblical rapture might happen. The commies believe raptures are happening every 26,000 years. Somehow the whole process interacts with our inner being and some People who are ready for the next higher level go. Those who are not ready stay behind. They call the next level 5D where all kinds of super powers get unlocked but they aren't super powers in 5D. They are just normal there. They seem like super powers to us. For example, we may be able to live in multiple bodies at once, mimic other People's experiences, do social media via telepathy, and all kinds of interesting stuff. The low fear based humans, or extremely ignorant ones or evil ones stay behind.
A whistleblower said that when this happens, a lot of misled People end up worshiping the sun because they assume the sun saved them. It's not the sun though. The whole process of Life starts with God. Anything that is depended on directly is a false God because there is something else behind all things which is God.
The human collective is said to be rising in frequency away from fear since the year 2000. This rise is happening because the mind is finally evolving to higher ground. It evolved by building up knowledge in the collective mind about how Life works. As it evolves, it becomes harder and harder for the deep state to control us. Eventually they won't be able to anymore. Since everyone is part of the collective, everyone can help us break their control simply by abandoning fear and adopting faith. Fear is a net the deep state throws over us to control us.
Once their technology control system breaks, reality becomes more clear and People finally realize it was never as bad as we had thought it was. The illusions cast over our eyes by the deep state simply made us believe that life was hard or that it sucked. It was all a lie from birth to death.