Hmmm... it's that obvious to me. I think the Jews are controlled by the same criminal mob, the Core 13 Jewish/Jesuit Satanic Bloodlines with the Sanhedrin which directs International Jewry, and with the Jesuits, who administrate, educate and are the military arm of the Roman Catholic Church.
a) "the" implies ones consent to suggested THE-ism by others; hence willing submission to be controlled through the suggestions of others.
b) why does "the jews" offend those who utilize "chosen ones" as a label? Is there a difference between suggested plural and perceivable singular?
c) take any two things you believe to be the "same" and notice that for you to be able to discern between them, each one of them has to exist at a "different" position.
One can only perceive moving differences (hence being ONE)...others suggest sameness to tempt one to ignore that.
the sanhedrin which directs
a) velocity (inception towards death) directs resistance (life)
b) sanhedrin aka SYN (together) HEDRA (seat) implies each partial one choosing to take a seat. Coming together contradicts being apart, therefore...the whole SYN (inception towards death) directs each partial HEDRA (life).
Consider being a temporary seat (partial) within ongoing togetherness (whole)?
international jewry
If nation represents "a people", then inter-national implies within (internal) a people (nation), hence dia (diametric) spora (sporadic). A diameter implies through the center of a circle (kike) outwards towards surrounding, while sporadic implies scattered; apart from one another, hence each chosen one for self.
Consider if there's an outer jew (you) suggesting temptations, and an inner jew (you) consenting to the suggested? What if those who consent as the inner jew are shirking response-ability by blaming the outer jew? Can one blame others (surrounding) without ignoring self (center)?
Hmmm... it's that obvious to me. I think the Jews are controlled by the same criminal mob, the Core 13 Jewish/Jesuit Satanic Bloodlines with the Sanhedrin which directs International Jewry, and with the Jesuits, who administrate, educate and are the military arm of the Roman Catholic Church.
a) "the" implies ones consent to suggested THE-ism by others; hence willing submission to be controlled through the suggestions of others.
b) why does "the jews" offend those who utilize "chosen ones" as a label? Is there a difference between suggested plural and perceivable singular?
c) take any two things you believe to be the "same" and notice that for you to be able to discern between them, each one of them has to exist at a "different" position.
One can only perceive moving differences (hence being ONE)...others suggest sameness to tempt one to ignore that.
a) velocity (inception towards death) directs resistance (life)
b) sanhedrin aka SYN (together) HEDRA (seat) implies each partial one choosing to take a seat. Coming together contradicts being apart, therefore...the whole SYN (inception towards death) directs each partial HEDRA (life).
Consider being a temporary seat (partial) within ongoing togetherness (whole)?
If nation represents "a people", then inter-national implies within (internal) a people (nation), hence dia (diametric) spora (sporadic). A diameter implies through the center of a circle (kike) outwards towards surrounding, while sporadic implies scattered; apart from one another, hence each chosen one for self.
Consider if there's an outer jew (you) suggesting temptations, and an inner jew (you) consenting to the suggested? What if those who consent as the inner jew are shirking response-ability by blaming the outer jew? Can one blame others (surrounding) without ignoring self (center)?