Video on the upcoming hybrid eclipse on 4/20.
They mention Netanyahu and Khomeini born on eclipses, which happen to be in Aires/Libra sun positions.
We're currently in Aries/Libra eclipse cycle, since eclipses toggle between 180° positions on an 18 year cycle.
Aries/Libra, War/Judgment etc.
Macron also born on Jupiter/Saturn conjunction 12/21/77.
Trump born on a blood moon of course.
The videos also associates the 3/10/23 collapse of silicon bank to an event with the same level of significance of the 3/11/20 pandemic declaration, both of which occur around the time of Purim.
The celebration of Purim from the book of Esther is pretty wild from a conspiratorial angle.
Just a small note: Khomeini and Khamenei are not the same person. Both however are speculated to be crypto jews. Iran has a major problem with crypto jews. One of the Sultans made the grave mistake of forcing them to convert and the result was that they infiltrated Iran.