a) messaging (suggested information) is 100% off on everything (perceivable inspiration)...ones consent to anything suggested puts it over everything perceivable.
b) MES'SAGE, noun [Latin missus, mitto, to send.]...life is being send from inception towards death, hence send by origin before returning to sender.
race to the bottom
Suggested race (progressivism or racism) tempts one to ignore perceivable RACE, noun [Latin radix; radius; ray, radiate, etc.]. It's ones free will of choice to view being moved from inception towards death as a race against others to reach the end...or as ongoing surrounding (loss) for ones temporary center (growth).
Growing implies radiating growth (living) within loss (process of dying) by resisting the temptation of it...
we consume, but it actually subversion...
a) CONSUME, verb - "to destroy by separating the parts of a thing"...whole (process of dying) separates itself into each partial (living) for sustenance.
b) the few suggest the many to build something (putting together) while ignoring that nature sets apart, which then confuses the many when it falls apart despite their efforts to keep it together; to hold onto it, to possess it etc.
c) within wholeness...apartheid sustains one-self; togetherness consumes each partial one within.
created a Global
Globalism was suggested just like creationism...
walk away from the game
a) life cannot walk away from being moved from inception towards death...walking implies within the momentum of motion, hence as the reaction choice at the center of enacting balance.
b) ones consent to win (want) vs lose (not want) the suggested game, tempts one to ignore the need to adapt to perceivable "work" (energy).
Sleight of hand: "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"
their own implosion
The internal/inherent power of energy represents imploding sound (inception towards death) in balance with exploding sound (life)...motion represents impressing; being moved represents expression.
it's all by design
a) DESIGN, verb - "to form an outline or representation of any thing"...flow (inception towards death) represents the outer line, for representative form (life) within line, hence ones (inline) within all (outline).
b) suggested "all by design" tempts one to ignore that each one being designed by all, hence formed out or; within and in response to flow.
SUBVERT', verb - "to overthrow from the foundation"...perceivable balance represents the foundation for perceiving choice...the suggested choices by others tempt one to ignore foundation (perceivable) for subversion (suggested).
"Well, we had to close down our company but at the end we had 100% minority and female employees--so win/ win!"
a) messaging (suggested information) is 100% off on everything (perceivable inspiration)...ones consent to anything suggested puts it over everything perceivable.
b) MES'SAGE, noun [Latin missus, mitto, to send.]...life is being send from inception towards death, hence send by origin before returning to sender.
Suggested race (progressivism or racism) tempts one to ignore perceivable RACE, noun [Latin radix; radius; ray, radiate, etc.]. It's ones free will of choice to view being moved from inception towards death as a race against others to reach the end...or as ongoing surrounding (loss) for ones temporary center (growth).
Growing implies radiating growth (living) within loss (process of dying) by resisting the temptation of it...
a) CONSUME, verb - "to destroy by separating the parts of a thing"...whole (process of dying) separates itself into each partial (living) for sustenance.
b) the few suggest the many to build something (putting together) while ignoring that nature sets apart, which then confuses the many when it falls apart despite their efforts to keep it together; to hold onto it, to possess it etc.
c) within wholeness...apartheid sustains one-self; togetherness consumes each partial one within.
Globalism was suggested just like creationism...
a) life cannot walk away from being moved from inception towards death...walking implies within the momentum of motion, hence as the reaction choice at the center of enacting balance.
b) ones consent to win (want) vs lose (not want) the suggested game, tempts one to ignore the need to adapt to perceivable "work" (energy).
Sleight of hand: "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"
The internal/inherent power of energy represents imploding sound (inception towards death) in balance with exploding sound (life)...motion represents impressing; being moved represents expression.
a) DESIGN, verb - "to form an outline or representation of any thing"...flow (inception towards death) represents the outer line, for representative form (life) within line, hence ones (inline) within all (outline).
b) suggested "all by design" tempts one to ignore that each one being designed by all, hence formed out or; within and in response to flow.
SUBVERT', verb - "to overthrow from the foundation"...perceivable balance represents the foundation for perceiving choice...the suggested choices by others tempt one to ignore foundation (perceivable) for subversion (suggested).