Anything focusing on adrenochrome is a red herring.
The reality is a lot more basic. Child trafficking happens, their blood is used, and they often die, this much is true. However, it's not to trip lol, it's to perform complete "blood swaps" with the blood of young children.
It's long been believed, and more recently proven, that "young blood" can slow if not stop aging, sometimes even reversing certain aspects. The younger the blood, the better the outcome.
There's a clinic in the US that does this, but legally they can only use blood from donors 18+. Meaning, you can guarantee there are clinics in places like Thailand that use children for the same purpose.
edit: there was an actress a few years ago putting baby foreskins on her face to reverse aging in her skin, this is of the same practice.
It makes sense that a major adrenaline release to the blood stream injested by another would give off a high or euphoric feeling. They do believe that this will slow the aging process and there's been tons of testimony of its practice.
Maybe the name itself has a taboo surrounding it that is not taken seriously but the principle is the same.
They don't ingest the blood though, I mean some really fucked up people might, but the reality is closer to receiving a complete dialysis.
Your blood is flushed while it's being replaced with the blood from 10 different kidnapped toddlers who had the same blood type.
It's no less fucked up - in fact its arguably even more fucked up. But, the adrenochrome angle is a complete red herring, it's meant to distract. It only came up once Ambrosia (the company that was doing this in the US, they've since rebranded to "Ivy Plasma") was brought into the limelight for a minute and shut down by the FDA.
I could be wrong but I thought it came out with pizzagate. It was easily dismissed as a conspiracy theory cause something so horrendous and vile couldn't possibly be true...Q also helped to discredit it as being believed by wackjobs.
I do recall Sandra Bullock promoting the use of foreskin into a cream that works wonders on her face. Fakt.
This just aired on French television...
Anything focusing on adrenochrome is a red herring.
The reality is a lot more basic. Child trafficking happens, their blood is used, and they often die, this much is true. However, it's not to trip lol, it's to perform complete "blood swaps" with the blood of young children.
It's long been believed, and more recently proven, that "young blood" can slow if not stop aging, sometimes even reversing certain aspects. The younger the blood, the better the outcome.
There's a clinic in the US that does this, but legally they can only use blood from donors 18+. Meaning, you can guarantee there are clinics in places like Thailand that use children for the same purpose.
edit: there was an actress a few years ago putting baby foreskins on her face to reverse aging in her skin, this is of the same practice.
It makes sense that a major adrenaline release to the blood stream injested by another would give off a high or euphoric feeling. They do believe that this will slow the aging process and there's been tons of testimony of its practice.
Maybe the name itself has a taboo surrounding it that is not taken seriously but the principle is the same.
They don't ingest the blood though, I mean some really fucked up people might, but the reality is closer to receiving a complete dialysis.
Your blood is flushed while it's being replaced with the blood from 10 different kidnapped toddlers who had the same blood type.
It's no less fucked up - in fact its arguably even more fucked up. But, the adrenochrome angle is a complete red herring, it's meant to distract. It only came up once Ambrosia (the company that was doing this in the US, they've since rebranded to "Ivy Plasma") was brought into the limelight for a minute and shut down by the FDA.
I could be wrong but I thought it came out with pizzagate. It was easily dismissed as a conspiracy theory cause something so horrendous and vile couldn't possibly be true...Q also helped to discredit it as being believed by wackjobs.
I do recall Sandra Bullock promoting the use of foreskin into a cream that works wonders on her face. Fakt.