Call me cold-hearted if you want, but I find it difficult to care about the people who got the jab. Especially after 3 years of coercion/threats/hate.
These are the same people who said medical services should be denied to the pure bloods. They said we should be locked in camps. They said we should lose our children and guns because we didn't buy the bullshit. So what if they die?
Call me cold-hearted if you want, but I find it difficult to care about the people who got the jab. Especially after 3 years of coercion/threats/hate.
These are the same people who said medical services should be denied to the pure bloods. They said we should be locked in camps. They said we should lose our children and guns because we didn't buy the bullshit. So what if they die?
Let's pump those numbers up.
An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.
That may be. But what use s forgiveness to those who've shown themselves to have no compassion?
I'm not saying you have to (or even should) forgive, there's just no point in lowering yourself to the same level.
Fair enough.
hokay there bud
And forgiveness leaves only the SHEEP BLIND!