17 Jewish author admits: ISRAEL KILLED KENNEDY! (www.youtube.com) posted 2 years ago by turtlebam 2 years ago by turtlebam +20 / -3 4 comments share 4 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Relevant book: Final Judgement by Michael Collins Piper
Relevant documentary: Israel and the Assassinations of The Kennedy Brothers
yes we know...
JFK didnt want them to have the Demona plant...
JFK didn't want to release a bioweapon on Castro so big pharma killed him. Oswald worked for a vaccine company
Castro was working for the jews buddy if he wasn't crypto jewish himself. Your statement is hilarious especially taking into account that "big pharma" is all jewish anyhow.
israeli jews did September 11th and Epstein was jewish israeli Mossad.