posted ago by Drooliard ago by Drooliard +19 / -1

The Wizard of Oz was a motion picture made in 1939. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayerund a Book by Frank Baumis said to be one of the most political movies ever made. The Oz stands for Ounce and the yellow brick road represents the bankruptcy of 1933 when the gold was confiscated, remember? Bricks are ingot bars of gold. The Story goes like this...

The setting was in Kansas; heartland of America, and geographical center of the USA. In comes the twister, the tomado, i.e, whirling confusion- the stock market crash, theft of America's gold, US bankruptcy, the Great Depression- and whisks Dorothy and Toto up into a new, artificial dimension somewhere above the solid ground of Kansas. When they finally land in Oz, Dorothy comments to her little companion: "Toto, I have a feeling were not in Kansas anymore."

That's right. After the bankruptcy, Kansas was no longer just "plain old Kansas"-it was now "KS" artificial corporate venue of the bankrupt United States, i.... the "Federal Zone," newly established "Tederal property," and Dorothy and Toto were "in this state" (see definition for "this state".) In the 1930's the all-capital letters corporation sole, straw man, newly created artificial aspect of the former American alleged sovereigns, had no brain-and Americans were too confused and distracted by all the commotion to figure out that they even had a straw man. The Scarecrow identified his straw man persona for Dorothy: "Some people without brains do an awful lot of talking. Of course. I'm not bright about doing things." And in his classic song, "If I Only had a Brain" the Scarecrow/Straw Man succinctly sings: "I'd unravel every riddle. For every individdle." (individual), in trouble or in pain."

The Tin (TIN Taxpayer Identification Number) Man was a hollow man of metal-a "vessel" or "vehicle", newly created commercial code words for the corporation sole straw man. One of the definitions of "tin" in Webster's is "worthless; counterfeit." Just like the Straw Man had no brain, this Tin Man vessel had no heart. Both were "artificial persons. The Tin Man also represented the mechanical and heartless aspect of commerce and commercial law. Just like they say in the Mafia: "Nothing personal, its just business." The heartless Tin Man also carried an ax, traditional symbol for God-Le, modern commercial law in most earlier dominant civilizations, including fascist states. The "Ace", etymologically related to "ax" in a deck of cards, representing God, is the only one above the King. One of the "Axis" Powers of World War II, Italy, was a fascist state. The symbol for fascism is the "fasces," a bundle of wooden rods containing an ax with the blade projecting. The fasces may be found on the reverse of the American Mercury- head Dime (the Roman deity Mercury was the God of Commerce), and on the wall behind, and on each side of, the Speakers podium in the US Senate. At the base of the Seal of the US Senate are two crossed fasces.

The Lion, "king of beasts" ie., king of the goyim - (a) denigration in itself-representing the once-fearless American People, had lost his courage. After your first round with the UCC constituted IRS "defending" your straw man/vessel/vehicle/all-capital letters name/artificial person, you probably lost some of your courage too.

What about the trip through the field of poppies? Notice how it never affected the Straw

Man (no brain) or the TIN Man (no heart or soul)? They weren't real people, so drugs had no effect on them. The Wizard of Oz was written at the turn of the century, so how could the author have known America was going to be drugged? The Crown has been playing the drug cartel game for centuries. Just look up the history of Hong Kong and the Opium Wars. The Crown already had valuable experience conquering all of China with drugs, so why not the rest of the world?

To find the Wizard you had to "follow the yellow brick road." Le, follow the trail of America's gold. When Dorothy Gale and crew emerged from the forest and arrived in Emerald City, the city of green (the new "Tiat money", or money by decree, Federal Reserve Notes), they were serenaded by the Munchkins on the glory of the Wizard's creation: "You're out of the woods, you're out of the dark, you're out of the night. Step into the sun, step into the light, the most glorious place on the Earth!"

Who finally exposed the Wizard for what he really was? Toto, the ugly (or cute. depending on your perspective) and somewhat annoying little dog. Toto means "in total. all together Latin in toto Notice how Toto was not scared of the Great Wizard's theatrics, yet he was so small in size compared to the Wizard, no-one seemed to notice him. The smoke, flames and hologram images were designed to frighten people into doing as the Great Wizard of Oz commanded.

Toto started barking until others paid attention to him and came to see what all the barking was about. Then they rang the bell and the Wizard stepped out and put up a sign saying "please knock this bell is broken". The bell was broken because it represents the Liberty Bell. It's cracked and there is no Liberty. The Wizard's game was up. They simply looked behind the curtain-the court (see the definition for curtain above), Who was behind the curtain? Just an ordinary person controlling the levers that created the illusions of the Great Wizard's power and authority.

Let's not forget those pesky flying monkeys. What a perfect mythical creature to symbolize the Bar Association Attomers who attack and control all the little people for the Great Crown Wizard, the powerful and grand Bankers of Oz - Gold.

The Wicked Witch of the West made her home in a round, medieval watchtower, ancient symbol of the Knights Templar of Freemasonry. The Wicked Witch of the West was also dressed in black, the color symbolizing the planet Saturn, sacred icon of the Knights Templar, and the color of choice of judges and priests for their robes. Who was the Wicked Witch of the West? Remember, in the first part of the film her counterpart was "Miss Gulch", who alleged that Dorothy's dog. Toto, had bitten her. She came to the farm with an "Order from the Sheriff" demanding that they surrender Toto to her custody. Aunt Em answered Miss Gulch's allegations that Toto had bitten her: "He's really gentle. With gentle people, that is." Could "gentle" be a metaphor for "Gentile"? When Dorothy refused to surrender Toto, Miss Gulch threatened: "If you don't give me that dog I'll bring a damned suit that'll take you're whole farm!" Today, 70% of all attorneys in the world reside in the West-America, to be exact- and 95% of all law suits in the world are filed under US jurisdiction. The Wicked Witch of the West and Miss Gulch, my friends, represent judges and attorney; ie, the American legal system (including the attorney-run US Congress), executioner and primary henchman for transferring all wealth in America-everything-from the people to the banks and the government. Miss Gulch wanted to take Toto "attorney language," ie. Latin? "EVERYTHING"

Dorothy and the gang fell for the Wizard's illusion in the beginning, but soon wised up and discovered the Wizard for what he was: a con-fidence man, When asked about helping the Scarecrow/Straw man, among some other babblings about "getting a brain" and "universities", etc., the Wizard also cited "the land of E Pluribus Unum," which is Latin for "One out of many." Le converting the many into one - New World Order, or Novus Ordo Seclorum. He also proudly revealed/confessed that was: "Born and bred in the heart of the Westem Wildemess, an old Kansus man myself!" The bankers did pretty well in Europe, but as the Wizard pointed out, they made u killing in the "Western wilderness"-America- with the confiscation of American gold, labor, and property from the-quoting John D. Rockefeller-"grateful and responsive rural folk who populated the country at that time. When Dorothy asked Glenda, the Good Witch of the North. (Santa Claus, and Christianity) for help in getting back to Kansas, Glenda replied, "You don't need to be helped. You've always had the power to go back to Kansas"

Note: in the movie, Dorothy's shoes were ruby slippers, in the book written by Frank Baum, her slippers were silver. It has been said that the movie slippers were ruby, because if they would have been silver, the scheme may have been figured out.