Consider, black people, asian people, white people, hispanic people and jews.
Why is it that the jews have the lead in all crime over history? Why are all criminal words of jewish origin?
Why when we consider financial crimes, the only significant numbers are jewish?
Is it because they are smart? or because the religion teaches them to be criminals from day one?
I think we know the answer, there is a reason why they continue to be scrutinized. Numbers don't lie, like the jews do.
Crime is simply a label used with the english language.
The meaning of crime is huge, in the most simplest terms, Crime is an act that produces victims in the current or future.
I think the rat utopia experiments are a joke and do not represent value when considering human counterparts. Rat lives simply do not have the pieces required to repair a scenario such as that.
When we see rats develop organization skills to match or the ability to invent and be creative, then we can talk. For now, the brain they use does not have a comparison to the number of facilities in the human brain, therefore any data collected from such experiments is useless.
We have massive families of rats to study over hundreds of years and yet they have not done anything notable at all, aside from propagate and spread.
I am more inline with the understanding that, training is critical. The more advanced the training the more advanced the outcomes. When we train criminals from a young age, they become capable criminals that operate in society using criminal tactics.
Compare this to people that do not raise criminals, but instead raise upstanding honest and thoughtful beings, the ones we always want to be around. This division in training is the reason we have entire societies out of line.
I believe the training that is contaminated is primarily driven by corrupt religion and its operators.
Religion can be good, or it can be bad. It is a tool and given that criminals are on the prowl, then that tool is now fallen into corrupted criminal hands.
Once we can get that understanding across, that it is the information and practice of process that defines what acts follow we can then realize our group preservation is correct and moderated, not a group of vengeful criminals trying to lay out future plans.