posted ago by Mad_King_Kalak ago by Mad_King_Kalak +10 / -1

I've started to get the French language equivalent junk emails of the the Nigerian doctor scam or the French tax authorities want to talk to me.

The only French I read is on Duolingo, the language learning app. I also study Italian and Latin on there, but not as much. And I use the free version of their app, because they are woke as fuck, so they don't have my email or identity information from me paying for anything. They have my usage data I don't know how they connect it to my email.

I don't go to French websites, or watch YouTube videos in French, or go to any website at all where French is used. I use the translate app on my Apple once every two weeks or so to check a Duolingo translation. The only French I speak is the 10 minutes a day I use the Duolingo app.

Either my phone is listening to me speak French, or my somehow Duolingo sold my usage data to spammers. Could be something else? Thoughts?