posted ago by Gesirisi ago by Gesirisi +5 / -0

"This has certainly been a dynamic year for music. All you have to do is look at the diversity represented on this stage here tonight, to witness the walls of division crumble under the weight of a connected world. Of late, the controversy over extreme lyrics has been a heat-seeking missile. And it's important to remember that the academy is not here to defend or villify, commercialize or censor art. We're here to recognize those recordings that are notable, noticable, and oft times controversial. People are mad. And people are talking, and that's a good thing. Because it's through dialogue and debate that social discovery and progress can occur. Listen- music has always been the voice of rebellion, it's a mirror of our culture. Sometimes reflecting a dark and disturbing underbelly, obscured from the view of most people of privilege. A militarized zone which is chronicled by the CNN of the inner-city: Rap, and hip-hop music. We can't edit out the art that makes us uncomfortable. Remember, that's what our parents tried to do to Elvis, the Stones, and the Beatles. The White teenagers from the suburbs buy a majority of the music in question. They live out their rebellion, and deliniate their right of passage vicariously through this music. And most of the adults who pass judgment have never listened to, or more to the point, have never even engaged their kids about the object of their contempt. This is not to say that there's not a lot to fear in this violence-drenched society of ours. We should genuinely be concerned about the younger kids, the latchkey kids who are not experienced, and don't have a relevant parental connection to help them understand what's real, and what's shock theater, and accept the fact that musicians, movie stars, and athletes are not perfect, they may mistakes, and can't always be counted on to be role models. Art incites, it entices, it awes, and it angers. It takes all its various incarnations to maintain the balance, vitality, and authenticity of the artistic process. Let's not forget folks, that sometimes it takes tolerance, to teach tolerance."

-Michael Green, President of the Recording Academy, 2001 Grammy's, introduction to a performance by Eminem -- 2:35:15

I see that this Michael Greene has worked with Communist China's Ministry of Culture produce some festivals too, but it's hard to find information on.