________I am terrified. Our entire world is a conspiracy of corporate rule and it's people are blind, broken, and suffering. Personalities shaped by our artificial commercial interests. Blindly advocating to worsen our own conditions. Our decision making is limited by education and media that withholds information for illogical and frightening purposes. Not only do we subject ourselves to this false sense of "living", but we are collectively changing our mentality to agree with it. We are changing our ways of thinking to somewhat justify the means. It is down right torture having to live as this facade of yourself. Existing as a filtered version of you. Instilling a false “sense of self”. Everyone around you is a commercial facade. Everything is not quite as it seems... Not only have we put ourselves in a metaphorical prison, we are actively making it a physical one.
--------->Values, Morality, and Motivation
“I am not who I think that I am.
I am not who you think of me as. I
am who I perceive you to think of me as."
________It begins with untrue intentions. The law of attraction is very real. Our principal functions of civilization require us do the right things for the wrong reasons. We know what we want, what we need. We know how to get it. The problem is due to a primitive system that is not only no longer beneficial to society, it is enslaving us . Money, currency, a symbolic representation of value. The integration of currency into society was absolutely necessary, I am not disputing the work we have accomplished under its lead. However, we are not the young, inexperienced, and frightened animals were once upon a time. Currency has definitely gotten us far. Far enough to not need its false guidance any more. Currency was introduced as a simple universal way to trade for real world needs. We have turned from using it to it using us. According to my Orwellian country and brainwashed peers I live in (subjectively) one of the best places on Earth. Not only do I not believe that, but you have to be sick to think this is humanity at its peak. Gatekeeping health/survival needs(which are very real things) through currency (not real). How have we turned from using money as a tool of progression to a tool of oppression?
________I can't speak for everyone, but I would like have true freedom. True peace, health, abundance of necessities for everyone. I know, as do many others, that there is much more to this life than we allow ourselves to be concerned with. We have the means to make life better for every living creature on this planet, but we choose this? I believe a collective majority of the population of this planet would agree. Even those well off and perfectly happy, do you not wish prosperity on others? Are you not sick of the absolutely ridiculous political, civil, and economic problems of we are dealing with today? It is so evil its laughable. The world is run by “elected individuals” that clearly do not have our collective interests in mind. In fact, our leaders are not only ensuring the demise of our species, but trainin us to be grateful for the opportunity. The beautiful living force that is human innovation is being taken advantage of. We continue let this happen. There is much more to life than our false consumer world let's us see. Maybe I”m alone, maybe the general consensus is a feeling of fulfillment or satisfaction with life? I don't feel that. Our world is beautiful and our technology is magical. Yet, we restrict our own access to these amazing gifts for what reason? We allow money to be the ultimate controlling factor of our actions and feelings. Health and safety. Why? We are civilized now. It is completely uncivil to continue in this way. Our mentality has matured, we are not the frightened shelter seekers of the past. Are these claims true? Have we “grown up”? We are running out of time to find out. Wake up. Let's analyze “our world” that we've created.
-------------->Culture and Forced Values
________Here in my country the general mentality is that of; "You can be anyone you want and do anything you like, all it takes is some hard work. Life is full of possibilities! Respect your neighbor and be a kind person, lead by example. Take pride in your culture and be grateful because a lot of people arent as well off." Now take an honest look at the reality of our situation. Land of the "free" and “free willed” beings of limitless consciousness? While I cannot speak for everyone, this is not the world I see. I am not free by my definition. Freedom to me means the ability to choose what to do and when to do it at any given time. Do the options given to us by our society allow this? I vehemently disagree. I am quite literally enslaved by my_country_incorporated in the name of profit. I did not agree to this and will not idly let it happen. My country uses the potential economic value of MY life as collateral for loans of unimaginable ammounts of “legal tender”. A large percentage, nearly all, of this money goes to private companies under the guise of being helpful to the people. The miracle we experience as life has an arbitrary value assigned to it so that it can be used to barter for physical goods or agendas completely against the general interests of humanity. If you do not see how simply absurd this all is, the nightmare world that we allow to rule us, the program is working and we’re quickly approaching the foreseeable end of sustainability. As i exist, my “privileged” options are to either; partake in this game of imaginary numbered value paper through working a “decent” paying job and struggle to get basic necessities of life, or don't play the game and have my access to our collective civilization essentially barred. This is the illusion of a choice. Telling people they are free to live as is determined acceptable or die is not freedom. A nation constituting political freedom through the illusion of choice/say in affairs by holding a vote of 2 predetermined candidates that none of the general public are interested in. A nation that titles itself as "just" where laws are not written in the benefit of the citizens, but in the benefit of money. The corporate rapture of this planet will be felt first by us, the non-elite. I do not understand how my peers will defend to the death our obviously disgusting world model. The multigenerational brainwashing and propaganda worked all too well. The most productive slaves are ones that believe they are free. An instance of choice with only one logical and practical answer is not a choice. Arguing in favor of this fallacy is insanity.
---------------------------->Magical Beings
________Who are we? What happened to the ferocious valor and reckless acts of bravery man-kind is known for? Why can’t we see what is happening? Every person on this Earth is comprised of a unique set of code stored in repetition in what we call “DNA”. Our internal memory of unfathomable complexity. We are literal miracles of creativity here to express ourselves. The miraculous efficiency in the way DNA functions is not given the attention it deserves. One single gram of DNA can store 215 pedabytes of our virtual data. Nature makes the perfect form of technology. From the moment you are born you are told the “correct” way to think. The tools you are given to build your self are incorrectly labeled. Being different or expressively unique is difficult and uncomfortable. We promote superficial values while contradicting them with our actions. We encourage others to invest effort in meaningless activities without seeing the bigger picture. Even our language is shaped in a way to hinder logical thought. We feel the need to categorize everyone and everything and spend a comical amount of time to ensure the label/category is “comfortable” in terms of fit. No two people are alike and it is this individuality that we must encourage. Are we now sacrificing basic human rights in the name of feelings? Begging for more censorship (forced limiting of information and interaction) through taking offence in labels that are not us and do not represent us is childish and irresponsible . You are not your weight, looks, tastes, etc. You are a sliver of infinite consciousness having this current experience. These differences in views and feelings are the balance that is life. By defining an individual by the traits of their label, it instills prejudices that we associate with said group/label. This leads to an obscured perception of others and their feelings. Divide and conquer. Our individualism is our greatest gift. It is the balance to our creative action in this world. As we interact with others, we see ourselves through their eyes. We gain insight, a different perspective on our internal beliefs and how we affect others. Social and inspirational magic. We gain a deeper understanding of the reasoning behind another's feelings. Helping us to be more empathetic. It is absolutely necessary that we embrace everybody's uniqueness and encourage creativity.
------------------->Advanced Species
________Much like commercial advertisements, every aspect of life is designed to sway your perception. This world is a farse and the people of it are so far gone from reality that they fight to keep it this way. For example, we learn about how terrible Nazi Germany was and understand the evils of propaganda, yet we don't see how our modern day is nightmarish. Everything we experience is propaganda and we're blind to it. Look up "UX" or user experience design courses being offered in college.
________ Money(or maybe oil in my case) is the blood that runs through the veins of our country?I am currently holding a miniature computer in my hands with impressive processing power while there are people suffering and dying literally all over the world. Unacceptable nonsense. The amount that we waste on ourselves while others are struggling to survive is just pathetic. Even more so is the fact that us in "first world" countries are supporting the causation of this worldwide suffering. If this picture doesn't WAKE you UP, take a good look in the mirror. It is our responsibility to help those in need. Why are we prioritizing LITERALLY ANYTHING AT ALL over comfort and happiness, let alone basic necessities, for everyone? This is a terrifying reality of a world I do not want to take part in. We have the ability to create a literal "heaven on Earth" while we are here going through hell wearing rose tinted glasses. Not only do we choose this existence, we fight to actively worsen it and it is bewildering to me.
________Our economical system creates lack of enthusiasm which kills our productivity and creative drive as a species. Imagine a world where your hobbies or pastimes are the only "job" that you have. Imagine a world with unlimited food, power, shelter, and all other wants/needs of life. Imagine a life where you are truly free. A world where everything is done with absolute purpose and not done because it is required. This doesn't have to be a dream any more. Welcome to the future. We have had the means to make this real for some time.
________With artificial scarcity fueling a false sense of need for wealth as the ultimate motivation, cognitive dissonance begins. Money is not a physical necessity for survival... Food, clothing, shelter, these are all very real needs. Paper currency is not. The result of this is a world where things are done for untrue reasons. For example, an underpaid and struggling fast food employee is not likely to make your food with care because at heart they don't want to. Every day we use products that were made by people in the interest of maximising profits over customer satisfaction in a quality good. Appliances are needing service more often. Over all quality of pretty much everything has gone down drastically in the past ~50 years We have entire industries based on made-up human concepts that only exist as additions to this illusory system. Insurance (medical) is a straight up fraud and is killing people. (My daughter was born premature and was kept in the NICU for a little under 2 months. I literally received a bill in the mail from the hospital for just under $2,000,000.) Businesses fail left and right because they are created in the interest of greed/profit rather than passion for the product/service. Imagine if work didn't feel like work because you are doing what you want to do and when you want to do it. Imagine if a product was designed with functionality and efficiency in mind, rather that cutting costs. This is how we wind up needing to pass legislation to prevent things such as cellphone companies using proprietary chargers leading to an exponential increase in electronic waste. Spare the air days want you to bike to work while refineries and production facilities are dumping tons of waste into the atmosphere and water. We outlaw certain environmentally damaging practices so a business will pollute a "less fortunate" country instead. We are using our gift of creativity to creatively make everything worse. We are allowing and feeding this agenda. Is that not unsettling? Sickening? Wake up.
------------------------->Get on That Grind!
________We are told that capitalism is an exceptional driving force because it steers competition and innovation. How are we so complacent in accepting the twisted picture painted for us? Criticism and free thinking is literally discouraged. Students are discouraged from proposing new theories. If claims are made that do not match the general narrative, it is labeled as “pseudoscience” and subsequently discredited no matter the evidence. Archaeologists are mocked for having deviating theories on our past. There is no freedom of speech. We live and breath our constitution of lies. We understand that the mainstream news outlets all spout dictated agendas, yet we fail to recognize the horror unfolding currently that is the censorship of the internet. Life shouldn’t be a “grind.” The mentality of “life just isn’t fair and that's the way it is” is that of an misunderstanding mind or that of control. It does not have to be this way. We posses incredible ability and technology yet we choose to live these miserable lives all the while feeling that something is not right. I feel many will learn of this and say “damn, that's crazy.” and continue participating in this enslavement. Wake up and look around you. We’ve made hell. Depression and deterioration of physical health is rampant. We are medicated with mind numbing poisons to treat symptoms of issues caused by our nightmare lives. People are billed asinine ammounts for medical services and then expected to do work for the unimaginably wealthy insurance companies or hospitals to ensure they get maximum profit off at the expense of our mental and physical health.
People have kids who aren't in a position to raise warriors, only simps to be passed off to the system for cannon fodder.
Socialism at a societal level does't make sense. Perhaps at a tight knit community level but no tribe wants to pay for another tribe.