We do absolutely nothing to censor or control FE posts here. They are simply unpopular. For example, this OP video is just low quality pointless rambling. He points out zero evidence - just states "this is fake". Better had OP posted the sped up footage itself, and add a title "this looks fake" - that would be a better post.
The topic is not manually being suppressed. The majority of people either don't vote on them, then the rest down-vote them and a dedicated bunch of FE users upvote absolutely anything FE related no matter how shit.
They only have a lot of comments because some naive users here think it's possible to engage FE people in good faith discussion or that they may be reasoned with.
When you or any other FE type present some actual proof of the Artemis hoax I will be the first to congratulate you. So far, you've presented only ignorance and vague assumptions.
What kind of camera is supposed to be on the Artemis? How big is the aperture? Would the brightness of the earth require the lens to be open to such an extent that the over-exposure would erase the stars? Should stars have registered on that cameras sensor at the settings that were used? Have you taken a still from the footage and fiddled with the exposure levels to check that the stars are not there in the darkness of the footage? No, you simply assume you should be able to see certain things clearly without addressing such technical matters and more.
So Earth is violently spinning and flying through space, but the space government can take video of it where it sits perfectly still? That's just aperture and lens stuff
Whatever kind of camera it was it must be pretty amazing to survive extreme temperatures, a almost perfect vacuum, and the van allen radiation belt with no problems. Wouldn't the stars also be far brighter with no atmosphere? Odd we NEVER see them, I think I know why.
How long was the original footage, how much time elapses in the video actually? Is it true that we would see visible movement of the earth and the shadow in this amount of time? None of that is addressed by that man's ramblings.
Don't think i'm arguing the video is not fake, it probably is, but nothing but conjecture is offered as "proof". And certainly nothing shown proves the earth is flat. I'd like to see the original video and a discussion of such matters instead of some guy and his low effort ramblings.
We do absolutely nothing to censor or control FE posts here. They are simply unpopular. For example, this OP video is just low quality pointless rambling. He points out zero evidence - just states "this is fake". Better had OP posted the sped up footage itself, and add a title "this looks fake" - that would be a better post.
The topic is not manually being suppressed. The majority of people either don't vote on them, then the rest down-vote them and a dedicated bunch of FE users upvote absolutely anything FE related no matter how shit.
They only have a lot of comments because some naive users here think it's possible to engage FE people in good faith discussion or that they may be reasoned with.
When you or any other FE type present some actual proof of the Artemis hoax I will be the first to congratulate you. So far, you've presented only ignorance and vague assumptions.
Flat Earth posts here have gotten hundreds of comments in a usually very quiet forum. How is it unpopular?
How did the video show no proof? Was it not a NASA video of Earth where Earth is not spinning, has zero clouds, and no stars behind it?
What kind of camera is supposed to be on the Artemis? How big is the aperture? Would the brightness of the earth require the lens to be open to such an extent that the over-exposure would erase the stars? Should stars have registered on that cameras sensor at the settings that were used? Have you taken a still from the footage and fiddled with the exposure levels to check that the stars are not there in the darkness of the footage? No, you simply assume you should be able to see certain things clearly without addressing such technical matters and more.
So Earth is violently spinning and flying through space, but the space government can take video of it where it sits perfectly still? That's just aperture and lens stuff
Whatever kind of camera it was it must be pretty amazing to survive extreme temperatures, a almost perfect vacuum, and the van allen radiation belt with no problems. Wouldn't the stars also be far brighter with no atmosphere? Odd we NEVER see them, I think I know why.
The sunlight on earth did not move, despite the footage being sped up. This proves 100% its fake.
How long was the original footage, how much time elapses in the video actually? Is it true that we would see visible movement of the earth and the shadow in this amount of time? None of that is addressed by that man's ramblings.
Don't think i'm arguing the video is not fake, it probably is, but nothing but conjecture is offered as "proof". And certainly nothing shown proves the earth is flat. I'd like to see the original video and a discussion of such matters instead of some guy and his low effort ramblings.
Those are good questions. Why don't you go investigate for us, although I think I already know the verdict.
There is no point in talking to that guy. He doesn't want to know the truth.